
I noticed it the first time he opened his mouth. I was like, "Hey! It's Schmidt!"

Is it just me, or are Bob's Burgers notifications not working anymore? I got a notification for this because of every other show mentioned in the article except the one it's actually about. And I missed the review of last night's episode too.

Virtual red Sharpie FTW!

To put it in terms she would appreciate, a down episode of Parks is like a bad waffle: At the end of the day, it's still a waffle.

I kinda agreed. Don't get me wrong, I like New Girl, but not as much as some people on this site seem to this season.

If this show gets canceled, I will lose my poop.

I know. I was scared that they were actually gonna have Andy quit Mouse Rat, and I thought: "NOOOOO! First they retire Burt Macklin and now this? Those are the two best things about Andy!"

"nothing bad happens ever yay!"

I loved the part about wanting to be a "beautiful duckling" instead of a swan.

And this is a problem?

They need to put it online ASAP. I need to add it to my iTunes library and listen to it over and over again, like I have every Mouse Rat song.

I thought the same thing. But maybe they're fake? It is a mini-golf course after all.

I'm sad about how everyone has suddenly seemed to turn on this show. It remains one of my absolute favourite shows that I consistently enjoy, and this episode was no different. I don't care that nothing happened to move the "plot" forward. I don't expect sitcoms to always have a plot. I do expect them to make me

It's true. The starting premise is pretty much a carbon copy of Alias'. Perhaps it was obvious to me because I had just finished watching Alias for the first time before I started watching Nikita. They both star a woman who work for corrupt spy organizations who tell their boyfriends about it, resulting in said

Kathy agrees.

Oh, I know. I've seen my fair share of video game episodes, including that X-Files episode, and that was what made me have low expectations.

This episode was not nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be judging by what everyone was saying about the preview in the comments of the last episode (the station that I watch it on in Canada doesn't show the next episode previews). Everyone seemed to think it was about a video game that killed you or

I liked that moment because Dean referencing Star Wars for her kinda added to the sweetness.

I kinda rolled my eyes when that started. Like, who the hell thought this would fit inside this show? But then they acknowledged it as a gag and I laughed, so we're good.

Just realized that last part could be interpreted in a dirty way, so I'll beat everyone to the punch: