
How did you like the Westvletern? I had it the last time I was in belgium. I remember it being ridiculously… complex for a beer. I remember different flavours of sweet and fruit attacking my mouth in waves. So many things going on in my mouth. Most of them pretty great.

Hello Mr. Big-League-Chu,

Holy crap, Writers Tears is amazing. I found it once in Ontario and it was the happiest day of my life. Worth every penny.

Hey, Dikachu only looks after one person - Dikachu!

I don't care, I want to post two!

I did the Iggy.

Nerd 2: I need to go to the bathroom!
Lisa: We stopped five minutes ago!
Nerd 2: Yeah, but someone knocked on the door and I couldn't go.

"It's a pornography store, I was buying porngraphy."

Can we just sit back and realize how odd it is that Louisianna's top movie is The Spectacular Now?

As a long time lurker, no-time-for-comments-er, I appreciate your stories. I laugh, I cry, I learn way too much about your urethra. I happily await the day in the not too distant future where we can review and comment on Idiotking (Classic).

So we're all just going back and reviewing classic Simpsons, right?

*smashes plate over head* WRONG!

That's he-manwich you're thinking of.

Great answer, thanks!

Hi IK. Long time readerer, first time writerer.

"Somewhere, over the rainbow…

Singin' in the Rain would like to have a word with you.

Hey, you can just suck 'em out!

I just finished that book. The only thing I could think of while reading it was the timeless quote. "He's still funny, but not ha-ha funny."

Couldn't the same be said about really any show? What's so different between that and my Community-Firefly slash-fiction?