
"What time and how burnt?"

My only brush with greatness came in grade nine when I made it on the improv team with the actor that played Glen Coco. He went on to do a bunch of anime voiceovers and Kraft Dinner commercials, as 3rd rate Canadian actors are often wont to do.

With the CRT on its side for all the delicious schmups?

I love when barts imagination is depressing.

Hi, I'm Dr. Cheeks. I'm Doing my rounds and I'm a little behind.

Kessel is a dream.
Crosby is that thing that's better than dreams… a coma fantasy?

I'm already sick of people pushing pumpkin ales on me.

Name? You pretty much identified like 20 Quebec beers.

Toronto so far has been a very lucky (with the exception of last night's game). Pretty much they've been outshot and out possessed, but shoot magic pucks that always go in. People can scream shot quality all they want, but even looking at where they shoot from, it's not any real indicaiton of a defensive strategy or

What are we to assume that this is some sort of "magic shipping container"? Boy I hope somebody got fired for that blunder.

The leafs are unsustainably good out the start. Just as I likes it. Awaiting the inevitable crash back to reality in T-minus 2 weeks.

I really liked Bill in this episode. Between him asking Vicki what it's like to be pretty, and him xplaining that he doesn't want to play spin the bottle because he doesn't want to see the disappointed look on the girls' faces, I found him to be a very honest and crushing realization of the life of the geeks.


If that's what they cut out, what they leave in must be pure gold

Ay, mates. What's the good word?

I thought concensus on Monsters U was that it was pretty good.

I've been listening to Since I Left You all week in my car. I pretty much resigned to the notion that they weren't going to do anything ever again. The rumours pop up every year or so, but I'll believes it when I sees it.

Can you loan me bus fair?

Seriously, this probably was the best subliminal advertising that still works til this day. In fact, I need to change my oil right now…

I'm a Bolton fan. I have no actual allegience to them, but I just picked them 5 years ago and decided to stick with it.