
I mean, if it ain't broke, don't fix it, right?

All of the Arkham games are on sale on Steam this weekend. I've already played (and enjoyed) Asylum and City. I heard that Origins was pretty bland, and Knight was good but glitchy as all hell. For 5 and 15 bucks respectivly, are they worth playing through? Should I skip one or the other?

Don't forget "Cat's and the Cradle" in Saturdays of Thunder.

You all know what laughter sounds like!

Is Jay Gould really known for being THE Jewish Scientist? I've never heard anything about his religious beliefs whenever I've heard about him.

"Hi YogurtBaron, find your soulmate!"


Hello fellow AV Clubbers!

It's a Box Social!

Well, that's an instant buy. Thanks!

I can't tell if you're being sarcastic. Are you implying that there isn't an oscar category for short animated film or short live action film or short documentary?

I can't find that book anywhere!

For me, the last hurrah of the classic era is when LT Smash blew up the Mad Magazine building one season later. As much as it has a lot of the 2000's simpsons feel, I can't dislike that N*Sync episode.

And replace the word "kind of" with "repeatedly" and the word "dog" with son."

I always thought it'd be really ballsy if they just let that movie end at the big blow up when steve carrel walks out on everyone.

Wait wait wait… How did those penis pills work? Not well I'm assuming.

Dildo technology has improved a great deal in the last 15 years. Give them a break!

Blame the rise of Big Data!

I will always defend The Darkness as an amazingly fun band. Their first two albums are a blast to play in the car, belting out the lyrics at the top of your lungs until your girlfriend threatens to throw herself out of the car.

Beast from the East! Beast from the East!