
Hook Hands drinking wine out of a straw really made this episode for me.

Shipping becomes easier with time. Just you wait.

I want to agree with you, yet Jasper's smack-down and trash talking of Amethyst was so brutal. I saw it as really digging under Amethyst's skin, and TV logic is telling me those feelings will incubate until they explode and Rebecca reaps our feels. Well, Amethyst's insecurities /were/ addressed in "Amethyst vs

Whoops I typo'd! I meant to say "Jasper," not "Bismuth."

"The only downside was a recognizable actress playing this awesome new gem made me suspect she'd be done for quickly…"

Is it just me or is Amethyst surely going to defect (heh) and join Jasper's* gem army at some point?

"Of course Lapis would like the horn, given her proclivities towards toots."
What do you mean? I guess I could do some googling to figure this out, but it just seems like a line of inquiry I really don't want to start right now.

Really on point article. Jasper's dialogue was for me the weakest part of this episode.
Hopefully now Jasper will receive some character development in a new direction. I really want to like her, but she's always felt one-dimensional even though that one-dimension was very deep.

Your vector references are making me pretty cross (product).

I'm in.


Ah damn I didn't think of that.

I have very little to say about this episode, so instead I'm gonna direct this at Adventure Time TV Clubbers:

Agreed. The punctuation was especially angry.

I remind myself it's a kids' show, but still.

You've shattered my worldview.

It looks like a pizza slice.

Waiter Pearl is EVERYTHING.

You know, you don't have to be so darn reasonable about it, Internet Commenter.

I thought Jill's quip about the real tragedy of Greg Kinglear being that he isn't aware of the strings controlling him was awfully reminiscent of Bojack himself.