
"My hands are a little dirty."
"Well, I'm not trying to kiss your hand with mine."

I especially liked the way they handled Steven's + Connie's recalling of Kevin's shady advances on Stevonnie a while back. Greg seemed way too chill with finding out about that incident imo, but then again it was not the focus of this episode.

Am I the only one that could only think about Need for Speed: Carbon the entire time?

Nice catch.

I just did a quick Wikipedia search of Utena, and the parallels really are incredible.

It's time for some Batsodomy!

It's a damn shame that Snyder put this composer on a stove and left him at a low zimmer.

What if he never left the cave? Whoa oh oh oh.

Nice analogy.

Mmm I don't mean to be a negative Nancy down in this comment section. Upon thinking about it more, I realized that I'm more annoyed at these "stop and smell the flowers" type messages. Don't get me wrong: I wholeheartedly agree that doing so is important, but it's a tired mantra that I've grown out of since my angsty

I'm personally surprised by the A- on this epsiode. I really did not like it. I know I'm anal retentive as all hell, but I felt like this episode missed the mark in several ways. The dialogue tried to capture AT's whacky word choice, but it wasn't quite successful. To me the characters in AT utilize words that are

the Fands of Hate