Jim Traficant

It always bothered me how Pee-Wee listed the currency out of order.

Now whose voice will the winner get for their answering machine?

Thank you, Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright, for shoving Sisters of Mercy back into people's faces. Along with Nine Inch Nails in the end credits of Cabin in the Woods, industrial/goth is making a comeback in the form of capping off tongue-in-cheek horror/sci-fi flicks.

oh yes, and pink koalas, anthropomorphic tractors, ya know.

CRASH. I walked out of that horseshit.

Be sure to catch his animation work on the F'real Milkshakes machines at your local Speedway gas station. There's about six of them that play on a loop on this DIY milkshake machine. I try and watch them all in a row when I get off work at 2:30 a.m. The Speedway clerks probably think I'm on acid.

I have lots of friends but not one special open-my-heart pal. I'm a total friend slut.

Cakes! I wish I had casks of sweet sweet cream filling.

If your best friend is a monkey and helps you solve crimes, does that count? Or if it's Tone Loc?

A best friend-zone friend counts, but you always feel bad about it.

I need to get on that. Usually it's just whatever industrial is closest to whatever letter my iPod is on. I can also go the opposite route with some Van Morrison or the harmless comedy of Mitch Hedburg. At 2 am, you can't even make last call, so just barely making deadline and dreading all the crap you're in for

Totally putting this on when I leave work tonight. Gotta get out that post-newsroom aggression by screaming to nobody in the car.

I'll pick up where Mitch Hedburg left off and hop in my cold-air balloon!

Bart: You said poorhouse.
Marge: I said crazy house!
Bart: Poorhouse.

Between that and the Sub Pop airport store, airports are SO over.

Lisa is tearing me apaaaaaart

Muppet Babies taught me that skates have keys (they don't) and that even talking baby tadpoles can have best friends. MUPPET BABIES YOU WERE SO WRONG: http://www.youtube.com/watc…

Weddings also require that whole opening your emotional side up to others thing that makes best-friending also difficult. I'd be more into the city hall/save the money for the big fun reception thing.

It would be weird if you deemed someone your best friend and they didn't return the favor. If all of your friends are valued and special in their own ways then an entourage of people who all fit their own spots in your life is equal to having one you take photobooth poses with and get matching tattoos and all that.

I think it goes back to 6th grade and I ratted out my then best friend about something involving Little Debbie casks I think. Lots of good friends but never that superlative example.