Alexander Knox

Ah, good point, Zero shouldn't be there either.

Hard to recommend FF with it about to end, and getting fairly tied up with the lackluster Fantastic Four book.

As a continuity hound, while I hear what you're saying…I'm having too much fun with Batman: Zero Year to really care about what the fall out from Death of the Family, at least as of now. Batman Eternal should be interesting as well when it kicks off.

I would also add Sorrentino, Phillips, and maybe even Janin up there too.

It's just that it is only 3 issues into its run. Sure it's good, but a comic needs to finish an arc before it should be considered for a 'best of the year' list, despite what Time thinks.

Indeed, East of West hasn't quite hit the mark for me, but Manhattan Projects has also come out less frequently I think? For some reason I feel like very little has actually happened in that title this year.

I hate to say it, but Morrison probably should have ended his run after Batman and Robin/Return of Bruce Wayne wrapped. The idea of Batman Inc is fabulous, the execution though..ehh…even pre New-52, I can't say I loved how aimless that series felt.

Good list overall, though I'm no fan of Five Ghosts at all (I did one issue and couldn't stand the writing). And FF…well…it's certainly lost a step since Fraction stepped off. I also had to give up on Nowhere Men.

I was really into "The God Complex" as well, but "A Town Called Mercy" reminded me what I don't like about Whithouse's writing.

The more of Avatar I read, the more I realize that simply isn't the comics publisher for me.

Speaking of great comic creators, I wish Art Spiegelman put out more work.

Even in Supreme, which is probably his highlight in that period, the art that isn't done by Veitch (and eventually Sprouse) is pretty horrible to deal with.

I think it's less that Moore had a steep drop in quality later in life, in that he had a bit of a nadir in the 90's when he was taking money jobs over at Image. After he dropped out of his relationship with Liefeld, he turned around and popped out Promethea, which is indeed excellent. Has his work been as strong as

I think so, it benefits a good deal from being the only book in its "universe", but it has its peaks and just a few lulls, that may be smoothed over from reading in big chunks. Really nice clean art from Nicola Scott too, and clever concepts by Robinson reinventing the Alan Scott Green Lantern, Jay Garrick Flash, and

Doctor Death, just mutated a bit due to using his own serum.

Are you reading Earth 2 at all? I thought I would for sure hate the writer change, but surprisingly, the switch-over from the text heavy Robinson stuff to the more action-based Taylor approach has refreshed the book for me a bit.

That's so funny, you're like Bizarro me. While Issue 25 wasn't quite as downright awesome as Issue 24 was (which might be my single favorite issue of the year, yes, even better than Pizza Dog), it still set up a compelling murder plot and reintroduced a Golden Age character I never thought we'd see again. Also, I'm

I think Zero Year might be the best "event" of 2013, but hey different strokes right?

I rather like Casanova and Satellite Sam, but Fraction falls down when he has to write "big universe action stories" like Thor, Fantastic Four, and X-Men.

I like everything Snyder is pumping out so far (Batman, The Wake, American Vampire, even Superman Unchained to an extent), so he's well up there for me. Sometimes it's just a matter of creator and property synergy working out well. Sometimes a creator flops on a book, Azzarello tanked on Batman back in the day, but