Alexander Knox

It really just boils down to "don't bite the hand that feeds", which Dillon unfortunately did.

Yep! Thor is awesome, has been since the relaunch and each issue has been consistently at the top of my "to read" pile. It along with Mighty Avengers, Hawkeye, and Daredevil are amongst the best of Marvel Now for me.

Co-signed, other than that Diggle run, Daredevil has been consistently great since the Kesel days.

We've talked about this before, her writing is just not sharp in what I've read, and the PTSD survivor voice doesn't ring true with the more youthful Barbara take. Also, Knightfall? Really? Ughhh

Sure, there's the occasional stand-out, I'm rather partial to the Johnny Storm/Spidey roommates story, but there's some bum stuff in there too like the Wakanda two or three parter that felt interminable and that cancer story that I found a little iffy…some may say its touching, but I was left a little bothered by it.

Buying the Shazam tpb, but before that…his Action run? Particularly his Legion story, which was incredible. I had a pretty fun time with the first two arcs of GL when the New 52 started, but once Baz showed up, it went straight down-hill. I guess pretty much anything he and Gary Frank have done I've liked on some

His take on Shazam/Captain Marvel with Gary Frank was very good I thought. I'm hoping that becomes a regular series so I can feel good about buying a Johns comic again.

Venom, Apocalypse, and possibly Doomsday…the Movie Studios think we're still in 1994 I guess.

So I should give Batgirl: Wanted a shot eh? I've really disliked her run of what I've read.

Justice League 3000 - I'm intrigued but not really into the book yet. The concept of clones that were hatched too early could lead these characters into really interesting directions that we haven't seen before and the art is pretty nice! I hated seeing some of the critical dog-piling on it, because I think this is a

Brubaker's Daredevil run is good, but a bit lesser than Bendis' run, but it's hard not to be since I think that's the finest thing Bendis has ever done for Marvel. But if you like the latter, it's definitely in that vein of "more of the same" and the first arc is especially good "The Devil In Cell Block D" aka The

Slight spoilers perhaps…

Thor 2 is pretty damn stupid, and looks like a network sitcom anytime they're on Earth.

Are you referring to me?

Not really, it's like putting a movie in a "Best of" List after only seeing half of it.
There's nothing foolish about that line of thinking. But please, continue to say prickish things.

Agreed, it so overstuffed with padding. The parts drawn from the book work pretty well, especially Smaug's interactions with Bilbo and the spiders…but everything invented from whole-cloth just drags.

I think Man of Steel was the only superhero movie this year that I liked, Iron Man 3 had some great Downey dialogue and a clever twist, but the whole thing was a little ho-hum, and Thor was just a mess throughout, I'll be happy if I never see another Thor film again. Hey, agree to disagree! I also loved Only God

I rather liked it.

Right, but Fraction's story here isn't getting an ending that he wrote…unfortunately, with Lee Allred taking over on scripting, the book has ground to a halt for me. But that's just me.

I honestly can't think of many better comic artists than Sean Phillips.