Alexander Knox

Jeff Lemire is having a strong year, both this and his run on Green Arrow have been big highlights. I'm looking forward to whatever it is he's doing with the Justice League of Canada title, especially since Ollie and Adam Strange are both lead characters there.

For what it's worth, these solo Marvel setup movies haven't worked for me at all, basically acting as giant advertisements for the next Avengers film. I prefer DC's approach of just getting on with it.

I guess somebody skipped over All Star Superman.

I literally just tweeted this, GET OUT OF MY BRAIN!!!

I'm finding more and more that many Davies fans cannot prop up their favorite show-runner without slamming Moffat.

But see, I bet with decent enough writing that could be plenty interesting. For example, I still want to see a show about Gotham City cops (which is finally coming). This concept can work, it's just the execution that's lacking.

Dead-on regarding The Fifth Beatle, there are some really beautiful moments…but the whole affair is very stiff from a story-telling perspective and the forced "song titles as dialogue" is fairly eye-rolling.

I'm sure it's a stretch, but is it possible that 9 and 10's attachment to Rose is a sub-conscious reaction to the War Doctor's interactions with The Moment? No? Okay I'll see my way out.

I'm not sure about that though, in "Rose", the Ninth Doctor was seeing his face for the first time, so he recently had regenerated.

Batwoman - I'm a big Andreyko fan, and I appreciate SOMEONE acknowledging that Kate is related to Bruce, but everything about this issue reeked of being rushed out the gate (including the list of artists that read like a law firm), I won't judge until Andreyko's first arc properly begins though, the man has chops.

No kidding, its this most recent Thor that I'm going to have trouble ever watching again.

You clearly haven't had to sit through The Internship…or Starbuck…or fucking Alex Cross.

No, just…no….

They're all better than Batman vs. Superman.

Ya know its funny, I didn't think New Who was as big during the Tennant days…certainly not to the same extent that had Matt Smith on the cover of Entertainment Weekly and the like. Tennant/Davies always felt like it had more of a "Con/fandom" following, whereas Smith/Moffat got more popular and critical acclaim…but

And the show is better for it…the massive alien invasion episodes were Davies at his worst, IMHO of course.

They could also easily be called Rose Tylers, to be fair.

Maybe, but it's pretty clear to me that Moffat had three major story arcs to tell so far…

Exactly, their split felt completely unearned (as I had missed the supplemental stuff when it came out) and the resolution to that was even worse. It's the worst bit of writing Moffat has displayed the entire run.

Eh, Clara at this point is more a plot device than a fully fledged character, and that could have been curbed if we didn't have to deal with those aimless Amy-Rory-Rory's dad episodes. Clara really could have benefited from just a little more time with the audience pre-big reveal.