Alexander Knox

I know everyone praises the Moffat two-parter this season, but I think "Dalek" and "Father's Day" are where this iteration of the Doctor really shines. Then again, I don't think the RTD era really holds up by and large.

I'm not a fan of the RTD era (beyond the very good Cornell episodes and what Moffat contributed) so I think the writing and tech achievements of the Moffat era are light years beyond it.

Except there's no evidence that this actually occurred…also WHY was she contacting him on Facebook again?

At the end? Man it starts lagging the moment Epting steps away I think sad to say.

You misspelled the entire FIRST half.

I was thinking yesterday, we've now had three straight years of movies with Thor, Loki, and Captain America appearing in them. It just feels like way too much.

Cap, Iron Man, Avengers, Iron Man 3, Thor: TDW, Thor, Incredible Hulk, Iron Man 2

Like I said in the "Weekend Pop Culture thread", this whole affair is getting really stale and I feel like the utter deluge of Marvel films contributes to that. We need more than just a year away from some of these characters, but its just a constant onslaught of Marvel stuff.

Most notable thing I did this weekend was sit through Thor: The Dark World.

There's no Spoiler Space still, so I'll just preface this by saying SPOILER!!

Like I said below, I don't feel great about some of the level of discourse that has been prompted per my query.

My god, you've been doing alot of assuming about me and my beliefs. I'd love to take the time to set you straight, but frankly I have far better things to be doing with my Sunday.

Honestly, I'm not sure I really had a point. I was simply aghast at the reaction I received, which was unlike anything I had ever gotten from another comic fan before, gender regardless.

I don't disagree with you when we're talking about human rights violations, but instead we're talking about a product that requires my money to be purchased. Someone nearly shaming me for not doing so really doesn't work.

Clearly I can't have a rational discussion with you if you have to twist my words and insult me at the same time, "woman bashing", really?

I agree about Hickman, I wouldn't know the dialogue coming out of Captain America's mouth for instance was from Captain America unless you told me it was.

I understand what you're saying and don't disagree, but frankly, It's hard to be alot of things. It's hard to be gay in the south too, but people endure it without accusing others of being the "enemy" as the person in my example basically did.

Proving my point, placing us all under one umbrella really doesn't help endear me to your side of things. Believe me, I appreciate what Marvel is trying to do in all aspects, it's the attitude of a small minority of the fandom that I take issue with.

Nope, you're good, it's totally ancillary…which is slightly better to me, as I love the Lemire run as well…it's basically him retaking the GA origin story post-those awful runs by Nocenti and Krul.

Simone once did, I loved her Deadpool/Agent X stuff…but something about the New 52 relaunch really threw her outta whack. Nothing she's produced has been worthwhile since.