Alexander Knox

I've thought that everytime I see the episode.

His whole Green Arrow run has been quietly one of the better things DC puts out, right there with Snyder's Batman and Azzarello's Wonder Woman.

Tremendous concept, far better executed in one issue than the entirety of The Underwater Welder, I'm excited for it.

Interesting, I saw it last night…by far the best, and most thought-provoking movie of this lackluster summer. Whatever, Dowd.

Sure, though there's certainly blame to go around to DiDio, Lee, and Johns as well.

That's a joke right? Have you watched the RTD episodes lately? His female characters' whole purpose is either to be in love with the Doctor or get married (In Donna's case). Give me a break…

I think it's clear this one is going to be about whales, but we'll call them….Joes, cause ya know…mystery box.

It got me interested again, and I ended up picking up far more titles from the line than ever before. To each their own.

@avclub-6a468de7d95c61884c9375028e903849:disqus Harras was at DC before the New 52, he was made editor in chief in 2010.

@avclub-da518aecddbf5c94588f53562012c452:disqus But those books are all cancelled or those writers are gone other than Scott Lobdell, who I have no excuse for other than he keeps the train running on time. But I don't read his stuff, so I have no idea. Anyway, my point being, those guys all fall into the people shed

And what about new readers they've been able to pull in? I mean, just playing Devil's advocate here, they aren't exactly bleeding money…you can say it was untrue all you like, but it doesn't change that DC was creatively struggling. Remember, this was the DC that was giving Adam Beechen, Tony Bedard and JT Krul high

@avclub-da518aecddbf5c94588f53562012c452:disqus Going to agree to disagree you with you on most points, yes Detective took a step down, but Batman was a massive improvement (and yes, I greatly enjoy Snyder's storylines there) Batman and Robin was a terrible title after Morrison left until Tomasi came on, and Tomasi's

Hey, an actor who might actually have convincing chemistry with Alex Kingston finally!

It improved quite a few more than it eliminated honestly. What books were you reading pre-reboot specifically that were gutted?
The only thing that ended up absolutely for the worse for me was Superboy, which was in the midst of a stellar run with Jeff Lemire.

But that's just it, very little was working at DC at the time pre-reboot. 2010 was a terrible year for the company; uninspired storytelling across the line, and not great sales generally. People act like it was a comic goldmine pre-New 52 and that's just not the case.

Yes, a grown man has it out for a fictional character…please.
@avclub-bc2886af65cf746c4113d31c2445c1e0:disqus Other than Bane, what other major Dixon characters are running around in the New 52? Bane in unavoidable at this point, but I can't think of another character he created that DC is using. The same likely goes

@avclub-da518aecddbf5c94588f53562012c452:disqus Again, Morrison carried on just fine and was able to close out his run in stellar fashion, and frankly in an even more streamlined and satisfactory way. The only nadir of his run was the slight bloatedness of the first volume Batman Inc. So I would argue that The New 52

Nope, not even close.

@avclub-da518aecddbf5c94588f53562012c452:disqus But other than Miller and Batgirl, what else got undermined? Morrison carried on just fine, as did Johns, for those that dig that kind of thing…

Nice to be thought of, I appreciate it! Sad to say, Knox has never appeared in a comic that I'm aware of, though there may have been a reason dealing with Sam Hamm and royalties related to usage of the character, since he originated in the Batman film. I mean, why not create a character that's similar (which I'm not