Alexander Knox

@avclub-b9a25e422ba96f7572089a00b838c3f8:disqus To each their own, I though both of those episodes bordered on utter tripe, esp "Angels.."

Only Mad Men can make Linda Cardellini look unappealing, but it was fabulous premiere. This show just keeps getting better and better, I feel like it's been on a bizarre uphill climb in quality since Season 4 especially, though I guess it's generally accepted that Season 3 was its weakest season. I just really, really

I agree with you wholeheartedly, that little bit of Peggy just laughing was amazing. I'm sure Weiner just wants to fuck with us.

Why didn't somebody have them kicked out of the theater?

Yeah, it's a piece of shit honestly. It has great gore effects, but that doesn't make a decent film going experience. The characterizations are paper thin, the acting is awful throughout, and the finale of the film doesn't make sense and is a huge let down. I will say though…I enjoyed it better than Sinister, because

Friday: Wasted my time and saw Evil Dead…what a disappointment, I'm sad that Raimi and Campbell put their names on that one. Though based on the Box Office it sounds like a sequel is definitely coming. I am holding out for Army of Darkness 2 though.

So, at the pace they're going, I'd be pretty surprised if they don't finish Book 3 off this season. I know the talk has been that some of it is being held off until next season…but they're not wasting any time here.

I'd probably check out of the show if Whithouse took over. Being Human was at best…decent…at worst, a total trainwreck. A Town Called Mercy is also up there for me for worst all time episode in the Moffat-era.

@avclub-14e4cee178d88fb9aa346dbcc11f2873:disqus Most recently? "I won't let them!" in regards to protecting Rory from the Angels…she just isn't the kind of actress who can carry that kind of bravado.

I found the first half, Asylum of the Daleks aside, to be dreadful. Though I think that had alot to do with them front-loading their worst writers (Whithouse and Chibnall) into that set of episodes, and the fact that there was basically no more story to tell for Amy and Rory. Now that the arc is up and running, the

She's a much, much better actress than Gillan too, whose line-readings occasionally bordered on ludicrous.

It got me a grant!

I'm surprised this is getting such an iffy reaction, I actually thought it was the best constructed episode of Series 7 thus far, but other than Asylum of the Daleks and The Snowmen…I hated pretty much every other episode of the first half of the Series. I look forward to Cross' next episode.

Hey, it worked for Wayne god damn it, it'll work for you! And thank you much!

This remake is a prime example of completely missing the point of its source material. The original Raimi movie wasn't genius, but it had nice moments…this was basically Evil Dead for the torture porn set and a waste of time for all involved. The ending also was nonsense. Once you have Cabin in the Woods, why even

Yeah man, Volume 2 is the best part of that book. It loses a bit when Brubaker more or less leaves, as Rucka isn't as good a writer, but it's great throughout. I'm hoping John Layman takes Detective in that direction.

@avclub-884c4beddd8c98bb3b016bdfcc1bcdf8:disqus It's all about Volume 4 for me, that battle with the Lovecraftian entity was rad.

I've been meaning to check those out, though the "Wild Thing" concept sounds a little eye-rolley.

I agree to your first point, I'm going to give at least another issue…I really loved Kano's work here, and would almost buy it just for that honestly.

The Swamp Thing issues of it were stronger than the Animal Man issues generally, but that finale before the epilogue…good lord, I don't know who wrote it, but it sure as hell wasn't Scott Snyder, I don't care what the cover says.