Alexander Knox

See, I disagree, as I felt like Lemire's Animal Man did nothing but drag ass for issue after issue until Rotworld finally started…it felt like they were in that Winnebago forever….

I do stand by the idea that Snyder's Swamp Thing is generally stronger than Lemire's Animal Man, and I'm excited to see where Soule takes Alec…I was a little thrown off by the character voice, as I assumed (I guess incorrectly) that Snyder had returned him to being the plant-man that Moore made famous, rather than man

Other than its ending, which is a bit messy, I find Sunshine to be his most satisfying work for me.

I don't think the stories are particularly improved from the Sixth Doctor Era, despite people's love of Andrew Cartmel's supposed "masterplan"…the production values are tremendously downgraded even beyond the typical, and the fact that its almost uniformly shot on video just makes it look more dated than anything out

Honestly, other than 4, who is your best bet, 3 is probably the other way to go…he has a number of very good serials (if a little overstretched), but his version of the Doctor is really unlike any other portrayal, where Smith is indebted to Tom Baker and Pat Troughton, and Tennant to Peter Davison…Pertwee has this

I look forward to the Doctor taking on the King of the Wicker People.

Still playing, a buddy of mine beat it last night, so it's prompted me to knock it out. I'm more of a shotgun guy generally, I'm never a fan of the heavier arms really in any shooting game. I also am not using alot of my vigors, I need to get on that…I hear the last fight is pretty tough.

@avclub-94d231f11cdc1fae024849f33f7a7156:disqus Again, you should be allowed to access what you pay for. Comcast's blockage of HBO Go on Roku apps is ridiculous (which is probably the reason Sony won't deal with it either) I watch the show live so it's fine, but there are other programs I'd be interested in watching.

It shouldn't be that difficult. You should be allowed to access what you pay for on formats where it's available. But sure, worthless snark…that works too I guess.

Ya know, I'd love to watch Game of Thrones on HBO Go, along with alot of other things, like Boardwalk Empire that I still need to catch up with….fucking Comcast…watching it on the computer just isn't the same.

@TaumpyTearrs:disqus @avclub-f73c955e2c1f51451a682f5c1ce0e867:disqus Ya'lls help is greatly appreciated. I'm a bit torn about Fraction's X-men only in that, I currently love the stuff he's writing (at least FF and Hawkeye) but I couldn't stand his Iron Man, and I'd hate to pick up something that was more in line with

Friday: I spent most of the day playing Bioshock: Infinite and doing pretty well…I never really play games on anything but Easy just because I'm generally not very good at them, but I decided to go the Medium route this go-round and I was surprised at how decently I played. It's a great game, despite the Gamelogical

Correct, it's actually the highlight of his entire run, though the Brainiac storyline was quite good as well. I think his run is one of the few good Superman runs we've gotten in the past decade…then again I also love Morrison's Action.

The biggest issue was this episode for me was just how little context was given to Robb and Roose's arrival at Harrenhal. Even the most well-read Martin-guy in my group was like…wait, where are they at? I also think I would have preferred if they cut Margaery's Princess Diana act, which seemed fairly innocuous, and

Seriously? This Governor thing is going to drag out for another season? They're going to be at the prison for another season? They should be gearing up to head to Virginia by now and hanging out with Abraham. The comics aren't genius or anything, but at least SOMETHING happens in them occasionally, budget constraints

I would say it was generally a massive improvement on the awful first half, but it still suffers from the the same problems that have been plaguing Moffat scripts of late. Most notably, a redundant use of ideas that he already successfully translated to screen. This concept of downloading personalities has already

Ugh, after re-watching the episode, the Amy-Rory falling from the top of the building scene has to be one of most over-wrought, melo-dramatic things I've ever seen on this show…that includes the Davies era.

Okay, so, once I knock Whedon out, I think I'm going to take your advice and head towards Aaron's stuff before I jump onto Bendis', though I'll probably skip all of the pre-Schism crossovers…just way too much to get bogged into…what about Gillen's Uncanny? Is that worth a read? I basically enjoyed his Journey into

@TaumpyTearrs:disqus Honestly? If you didn't care for the first trade, I'm not sure the second is going to be up your alley either. Azzarello has basically set a similar tone throughout, and it's a slow burn for sure. It works wonderfully for me because I've bought into the world he's built and the re-design of the

I'm so glad somebody agrees with me about that awful Gorr origin. It was like somebody ripped the record off the needle with that one.