Alexander Knox

@avclub-638c1a4f003b46aad4aa5cf3f424d215:disqus Actually, to clarify, Tony Daniel is only writing issues 20 and 21 from Diggle's plot outlines, and then he'll be off the title post issue 21 to make room whatever new creative team comes on-board.

I'm not too crazy about Gillen's plotting overall. For example, I had to practically choke down Phonogram in order to get through it, and his Journey into Mystery, while a step up in some aspects had some pacing problems that I found to be an annoyance. I love the art on Young Avengers and its almost enough that I'd

Baby-steps, get rid of Harras first and the majority of the cancer is gone.

@avclub-e49e826927ca867982b6f4bfd06402e9:disqus Me too, that was "my" Legion more or less, though I was less enthused with the stuff done by Abnett and Lanning.

I initially dropped it after issue 3, when I realized it was just a dull slog, but I came back in the hopes that Giffen's return would spark some new life into the title, and to be fair, the Fatal Five arc is much better than anything else Levitz has done so far in this new run…but with Giffen gone again by the next

I called it a day on Ultimate Spider-man and the ultimate universe in general again, but DD is great, same for New Avengers and Avengers. I wish I could figure out where this current New Avengers takes place in regard to the Avengers storyline…I guess it's still pre-Avengers?

Did some serious dropping this week, I jettisoned Saga (which does nothing for me), Action Comics (which I'll reconsider depending on who takes over post this Diggle/Daniel thing), Demon Knights (a victim of tightening down the income a bit), Animal Man, and Threshold.

Yeah, prequels…cause that always works so well.

Correct, if anything, some of the stuff in Books 4 and 5 needs to be cut down or eliminated altogether.

Though, anybody remember Boglins?

Up in the Air wasn't so bad, but I guess that depends on your definition of last few years.

By the way, is anybody reading Nowhere Men? Cause I just caught up and I completely love it. It's like Watchmen + The Fantastic Four + David Cronenberg all mixed into a weirdly awesome Rock and Roll narrative.

The Hollywood ending was kinda disappointing for this show, and it feels like some of the characters are going less full circle and are more the subject of character regression. Our review:  http://www.kylegoestothemov…

Friday was fairly quiet, so quiet that I can barely remember what we did. I caught up with comics, but that was about it.

Friday was fairly quiet, so quiet that I can barely remember what we did. I caught up with comics, but that was about it.

Drag Me to Hell is the kind of Raimi I wish we'd see more often.

I think there's plenty to enjoy in the New 52. I rather like Batman, Wonder Woman, Layman's Detective, Action, Batwoman, all books I enjoy more than anything another company puts out. But Nightwing is just awful…boring villains, overwritten narration, rote plots…blahhh, it's too bad since Morrison and Snyder made Dick

You and Grant Morrison both, I also agree. Unfortunately, with the guy that's currently writing Nightwing, I find I couldn't care less about Dick's feelings at this point.

Snyder is probably key with the most action and excitement. I'd love to say Morrison, but it's not a great starting place unless you love Morrison (and I do). Layman is doing some great work in Detective too so far.

I would say so, especially the Williams drawn arcs (1 and 3) but the 2nd one is also enjoyable if just setup for the 3rd arc with Wonder Woman.