To be fair, you only need to watch a few before you get enough familiarity with everybody as there's a ton of recapping in everything post Seven Up! I'd recommend Seven Up, 21 Up, 35 Up, and 42 Up if you're crunched for time.
To be fair, you only need to watch a few before you get enough familiarity with everybody as there's a ton of recapping in everything post Seven Up! I'd recommend Seven Up, 21 Up, 35 Up, and 42 Up if you're crunched for time.
Friday: Caught 56 Up at the local art theater in town, it was wonderful. I can't urge enough people to watch the Up series, its a perfect encapsulation of the changing face of culture, relationships, and how aging alters us all.
Lori developed some kind of ghost rack apparently.
This was a rough episode, with Andrea continuing to be the nadir of the show, also why does Woodbury look like it only has about 20 citizens at any given time? It just kills all the tension for me in regard to them as a threat. And Ghost Lori was hilarious.
Walking Dead sucked this week, I'd give it far, far lower.
@avclub-9d67b0284c2caf6ad412db085a4838b5:disqus It's not the New 52 stuff that has him alienated so much as he's tired of doing monthly comics where artists can't keep up with the scheduling. Much like other higher calibre writers, he wants to stick to one artist for the whole run to give it all a unified look,…
Sounds like that series hasn't gotten any better
@avclub-bc2886af65cf746c4113d31c2445c1e0:disqus Hard to say without knowing the supposed terms, it and World's Finest are vanity projects for him basically..
Again, the industry scuttlebutt is that Legion is Levitz's Golden Parachute, as is World's Finest. They'd have to give him an Infinity Inc. title or something if Legion were to be cancelled.
They haven't alienated Morrison, he still has two more DC projects he's doing, Multiversity and Wonder Woman Earth One.
But the prelude to Rotworld was quite enjoyable…it was the execution of the actual event when things went off the rails.
Yup, those opening pages with the logos and the highlighting of the characters that will feature in the book is straight out of Waid and Kitson's Legion run. What I'd give for a Hickman - Morrison teamup one day…
What's funny is, if you're talking about what I think you're talking about, it's really unlikely that one is going to be cancelled as rumor has it, Levitz has a iron-clad contract that guarantees him DC work. That book is possibly going to stay alive as long as Levitz wants to write it is my guess.
That clears it up nicely, thanks for that you two!
Pre-Rot World, I thought Animal Man was the best of the Dark line, and I have hopes that it'll get back there now that Snyder is finally distracted with Superman and a hopefully more fitting writer in Charles Soule is taking over the title.
Right, especially to point 4…it just kinda felt like a cheap Blackest Night, with no real lasting consequences. I mean hell *spoilers*
Yeah, it was pretty awesome…though I was still a little unsure what Captain America was raging against whenever they were at the round table. Maybe I'm just thick…
That Edge line is going to be non-existent pretty soon.
Green Arrow was my book of the week, but both Avengers books by Hickman were tremendous this go-round, if they maintain this level of quality throughout, it could be the greatest Avengers run ever (in a series that doesn't have the greatest of histories).
Nailed it!