Alexander Knox

I thought it was going somewhere pretty interesting, even if I wasn't crazy about some of Russell's aesthetic choices, but it all falls apart when the story shifts into plot over characterization mode and becomes typical and predictable, as was the case with Russell's last film too.

The concept of him being overdue when he's only made one REALLY great film is annoying to me considering the snubbed auteurs we still have floating around.

yes, very, I'd say from the moment the dance competition angle is introduced, the film nose-dives for me.

But is it worse than "Down in it"? That song sounds like some kind of anti-drug rap song that I'd hear in middle school.

I'll be happy with any of those movies winning Best Picture so long as it isn't Silver Linings Playbook which I found incredibly problematic in its second-half with its standard rom-com tropes…even Les Mis at least had some ambition, even if the director was its biggest weakness, never a good sign for a film.

Yeah, I enjoyed Dredd more than I figured I would…mainly because of Urban and the neat effect everytime somebody used the slo-mo drug. Plus, even with a giant scar on her face and green teeth, Lena Headey is pretty hot. I just wish they had more than one set in entire film, it made the whole thing feel cheap.

Friday - Went to the local improv theater (Dad's Garage) and caught Amber Nash and Lucky Yates of Archer fame doing their improvised riff on a Weekday morning talk show. It had some really nice elements, namely Lucky and Amber at their charming best, and the guys playing the band leader and "lifehacker" guest were

Disco Volante and California in an eternal tie for me, followed by Mit Gas, The Director's Cut and Lovage.

I love it, but I also tend to think that Patton's bands slightly improve musically whenever a member of Mr. Bungle joins on…I'm probably one of the few that loved King for a Day moreso than Angel Dust.

@avclub-d980b15d49101608dc407770f35b1d75:disqus Detective started really shining the moment John Layman jumped on board. Emperor Penguin is a stupid name for a character, but he and Fabok are really firing off on that one. Yeah…the Nobody arc, that's probably the only Tomasi arc worth reading, though I hear the annual

Simone can be great, she can also be such a hacky writer at times, with concepts like the Manazons and Knightfall…*gag*

For the record that nobody cares about, I dropped Batman and Robin, I loved how Tomasi writes Damian, but the villains are painfully bland. It was like I was buying a comic where I only liked a quarter to half of it.

If that's the case and it's something I can completely avoid, then fair enough…I'm just fairly cynical given Marvel's (and DC's) past history with events.

I hope you're right…these things often change once they realize they can wring some more money out of the thing. I'd rather not read a Daredevil or Hawkeye tie-in.

Well, Issue 5 was placed where it was because Rags Morales can't keep up with a monthly schedule, and it was collected correctly in the recently released hardcover behind the Brainiac story. There's only been one alternate universe issue, otherwise the story has been clipping along pretty good, but Morrison isn't for

Sadly, even Axel Alonso isn't hearing you out as the goodwill he's building up is about to be wasted with three words: Age. of. Ultron.

@avclub-71348decaf1df2bb85be2ece24cc2a1d:disqus To your last questions, generally, yes. But when it's done on a solo book like Ultimate Spidey, it works alot better because there's only one protagonist that is the subject of the spreading out of the story, his Daredevil worked well because of this too…when you have a

I can't say I got that sense when I met the one that edits the Ultimate line, she was…uhh…something alright.

Action Comics is far better than you give it credit for, unfortunately with Diggle coming on it may go into the toilet with the Lobdell book.

@avclub-20d1487ff31cd8b01af79084be1711ca:disqus Indeed! FF is one of my favorite reads, I'll always make time for Allred, and Fraction has really shocked me with that and Hawkeye. I still won't be going back to Fantastic Four though, yeesh.