Mongo Of The Eternal High

At the time she was a hot property, so part of the financing was probably contingent on getting a hot young star.

It's ok with me.

One man against the world, Miller.

Well, that explains Quintet.

Well, that explains Quintet.

Well, that explains Quintet anyway.

Well, that explains Quintet anyway.

Oh yeah! He also directed Buffalo Bill and the Fat Women.

Roger Altman?

David Warner as Reverend Joshua in Sam Peckinpah's The Ballad Of Cable Hogue. That is his best role.

The score
Social Darwinism : 1

Tonto should repeatedly call the Lone Ranger a stupid fucking white person.

He's A Whore
He'll do anything for money.

Firebirds 2: The Venezuelan Connection

I don't know, but it could be the Kiss Of Death.

O' Neal's remarks were not intended to be a factual statement, but rather to illustrate that that the Blackberry Winter Band subsidizes meth addiction.

That website proves nothing, Sean.


Never. The government and privatized prisons make too much money off the "drug war."

Spoken like a good German.