Will You Marry Me

Laahf is laak a boaxa chawklits runnin' away from vehicular manslaughter.

Should be starting Gag School any day now.

Go away, 'baitin'.

She's been swimming upstream all her life.


I like my ice cream white, likeā€¦ something.

I hope I'm never in a position to find out.

Does it come with a free toothbrush?

I think it actual calms a person's stomach.


Netflix wants you to watch Sandy Wexler?

Always a bridesmaidā€¦

You bet your sweet asiago ass.

I hope that blunder got somebody fired.


She could have asked to have her name tag read, "Carl's Other Jr."

I only do that at sex parties.

Wendy Thomas took a lot after her dad.

I like it.

Are you laughing like O'Reilly at a guy getting beaten and hauled off a plane?