Mr. Ben

Well, I was totally pissed and offended that anyone would so blatantly rip off Don Henley like that. What is wrong with people today? Apology accepted.

The Cuervo Gold. The fine Culumbian. Pink Floyd blaring. Sabado Gigante with the sound turned off. That's how I spent many a Sabado. I had a wonderful youth.

A cat in a doll's dress is goddam hilarious.

Because then that fat fuck will have your wife, kids and dog murdered, too.

Odd - you can kill them, but you can't eat them, like you can with rabbits or possums.

"A transgender person" is the latest answer to the question, "Guess who's coming to dinner?" If you can't be open about being "in love" with someone who happens to be (insert one: transgender, black, short, Jewish, white, older, poor, etc., etc.) because of what your family will think, then don't get into that

Actually, it was blue until he got tauntaun shit all over it.

"Hey, you dopeheads, Garcia's been dead for twenty years!"
"Twenty years?? Man, fucking good dope!"

I lived in that so-called territory for way too much of my life. I wasn't fucked up (or even fucked.)

Would not have happened if we followed the Spanish and put the question mark at the beginning of the sentence.

Celebrity most likely to be the designated driver

Let the person behaving like a prostitue beware

Punxsutawney, PA on Groundhog day. I'd wake up every day to the same start and then play a different game with different people, just like Bill Murray did.

I, for one, cannot resist boobs in any size, shape or form.

Guess what? I'm cisgender! Never knew I could say that before it was mentioned here. I have to admit: I had to look it up.

And Tiny Elvis

Lily Tomlin doing Ernestine or Edith Anne

The best part of heaven is remembering, seeing, knowing anythiing without a brain to do it.

Steven Miller tweets, "So Carnival Cruise Lines just ran an ad during the Super Bowl quoting Kennedy on evolution. Apparently their atheist." Is he saying Kennedy is the official athiest for Carnival Cruise lines? Or, is he saying Kennedy is a theist? I'm confused.

That you find it funny indicates you don't have autism