Spacemonkey Mafia

British child psychologists have begun advocating for 25 being the end of adolescence instead of 18.
 I think there's going to be a lot of backlash to this, assuming it's indicative of our coddling and arrested growth culture, but I think it's just an acknowledgement of a pretty obvious truth.
 You don't really become

Man, Socrates totally tore through Game of Thrones.

The moment nipples become legal tender, these vendors are going to be rich, rich, rich.

In life, Jesus was a Hebrew nationalist who hated the Romans for taxing him 50 percent on every poop-scraper he carved.
   Now he's the worlds biggest religion.
   I guess it's the same principle as taking a goofy space opera about a nerd and an asshole blowing up a laser-moon and promising to make it "…emotional and

Teen boy: "Any boobs are the boobs I'm looking for."

Can't.  Raining.

I look like a bread bag stuffed with chicken livers because I eat bread bags stuffed with chicken livers.
   I'm disgusting, not an idiot.

Well, what do you think is bringing those Ford Fiesta dollars?  Book reviews?

Really?  I thought that stuff would be like saline to you.

He deafened you with science.

And to think, you've just been making water in the corner of Chewie's bunk this whole time.
   Well, he'll never know, what with the smell coming off that guy.

According to the five-volume EU exploration of Greedo's race, if the male achieves orgasm after the female, the mixed chemical reaction causes a five-block detonation.
   So by the standards of his race, Greedo is actually quite thoughtful.

It was an untenable system because each side was hiring each other to kill the other side.

We will finally learn sand's origin story.  The terrible series of events that lead it to be so coarse, and why it must get everywhere.

Neko Case has a dark streak in her that's coal black and a mile wide.  I think her albums have all pretty much stated she'd very much like to be ladylike, but that's not ever going to be the reality for her or her music.

Yup. Directed by Pedro Almodóvar and it'll be hard 'R'.

I hate sand.  It's gritty… and it gets everywhere.

With Dame Helen Mirren as Grimlock.

Being unable to find information about foot fetishism on the internet is like being unable to find a white dude in a Cabela's.

Agh!  That's locker where I keep my old gym clothes!  Nooooooo!