Spacemonkey Mafia

Looks like she finally made it to the Fireworks factory.

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Don't look now, I'm just a friendly reminder…

Man, I think it's pretty cool how savvy PBS has become at creating quality kid's programming. Growing up, Sesame Street was the one exception to an otherwise low, low rent series of sub-public access shows.
Except Cover to Cover, with John Robbins. Where he'd softly narrate a story while drawing out scenes in

Be careful. Comrade George is very curious about your views.

While I objectively understand the merit of Caillou, and why my four-year old loves it, watching it is murderous.
It's so treacly and insipid and garish. And the character designs are wretched. Whether you're a plump ginger in capri overalls, or an Asian girl with a five-head, everyone in the cast looks malformed and

"I'm going to cast a spell!"

The Beautiful Victims, ChunkGlass, Socket and Salt Tongue are all playing at this year's Grindylow Festival.

@avclub-0f2aab038be93ff407d92af691001e73:disqus I guess I don't. I need to learn to check my only men have beards privilege.

I was just going off of how the trailer framed things. It seemed to pretty strongly point toward a love interest.
 I will say that I'm glad Peter Jackson is actively working to bring more women into the medieval sausage-fest of Middle Earth. But I'd be so down with having a dwarf woman in the movie.

@avclub-9c33ea7188cb0fc5d524f4ad1e8d8fc5:disqus  It's a bit strange, but I can't really get too upset by a Legolas/ Inigo Montoya cross-breeding. It's kinda' beautiful, really.

Holy shit is the Hobbit ever high adventure. Mountain climbing, barrel riding, spelunking and hiking. It's almost the very definition.
 I like Legolas, and you like Legolas. This movie already has twelve dwarves, a wizard, a Hobbit, a werebear, a guy who looks like Legolas with one really kick-ass arrow.
 I'd like to

Man, nothing adds to the fairy-tale wonder of high adventure and timeless magic like a love interest subplot with a foregone conclusion for an supporting character poorly shoe-horned into a story.

I was twelve, going on thirteen when he died and right at the point in adolescence where emotion was a total liability.
 I was sitting in my bedroom next to my brother when we saw the news and I held up a pillow to the side of my face in a really awkward, ineffectual method to hide from him I was crying.

There's a story in Norse Mythology that Hel would return the god Baldur to life if every single thing in the world; people, animals, stones, plants- would weep for him.
  Everything did, except for Loki, disguised as an old crone. And so Baldur remained in the afterlife.

Were your arms flailing about you in an erratic fashion, as though they were strips of felt, perhaps?

Just that cover makes me well up a bit.
  I've never considered myself susceptible to hero worship, but I guess I'm wrong, because Jim Henson.

I've got the Gloria Upson IMDB tab open in my browaer right now.

While the desire to be with an intelligent person is completely understandable, I don't think it's off-base to scrutinize the tone by which that desire is articulated.
 It might point to the problem being less a world full of troglodytes and more to a person being a dickbag.
 Or, to quote Harvey:
"In this world, Elwood,