Spacemonkey Mafia

Having submitted one and waiting to see if it shows up or not makes me wonder how the hell I was able to last the six-to-eight weeks it took for my goddamn mail order Emperor action figure to arrive.

@avclub-7656b560c7e180f8e0d84ca82ac0d8b7:disqus   To whit; every 19-year-old.

Remember, kids sniff out differences as keenly as a police dog sniffs out a dime bag hidden in a shampoo bottle.
   We spend the first ten years of our lives trying our hardest to figure out what the shape of the world is, and the next ten making sure we don't don't deviate from that at all and notating those who do.

Or should have just stopped at the first statement.

She's just as disappointing about ruining this opportunity as you are, random internet commentor.

But a snitch ain't one.

Meticulous lawn care and dog ownership.

That's a frightening thought.  It makes him the Skynet of poorly-realized characters.

 Seriously.  It read like the "I didn't do it" boy of guest sex-advice columnists.

Hell.  I'm not sitting at a cubicle for eight hours a day because it propels me to do the best job I can.  If I managed to carve out a career that allowed me to do my job with a pint in hand, I'd be cranking out a lot more jpegs half-cocked.

That must have been the thinking behind this.  Because they knew kids would bug the fuck out when they found out Werner Hertzog directed a PSA.

There are, but these are racist robots for teaching us all a little something.

Teti was also featured in this month's National Geographic, "Hemophiliac Cave-imps of the Carpathians" and I don't see that lauded anywhere.

Watson's mustache is a cleverly disguised Moriarty.

And that's really informative for me, because I've been watching nothing but Mummenschanz performances for the last few years and now I kinda' want to get caught up on how folks are receiving their entertainment these days.

True Blood spends 90% of it's time with characters it doesn't know what to do with.  At least in Lafayette's case there's actual recompense in return for dealing with a plot that appears to be written and then filmed within moments of each other.

He just couldn't take being unable to find a prostitute who accepted traveler's checks anymore.

I thought the scene of Ruiz being wheeled back to her cot, alone, was one of the most heartbreaking things I've seen.  It was beautifully done, quiet and loaded with emotion without a single word spoken.
   An effective counterpoint to Janae's "SHE'S IN PRSION BECAUSE SHE RUNS TOO FAST FOR BOYS TO LIKE HER!" series of

I'm not a big fan of the rhetorical device of saying "I liked it better when I it was…" it's kind of snotty and a little played out.
   "Judaism?  I liked it better when it was called Zoroastrianism."

My favorite element of the story was whatever the man wrote would solely be for himself and God, yet that was sufficient to stop time to see it's completion.  It's a strangely comforting thought that there is some merit to the unrealized ideas floating around in our heads.
   Though I wonder if God would stop time so