Spacemonkey Mafia

I'm glad to see gay rights have progressed enough that Dan Savage can write a book that publishers feel confident gracing with a cover so bland and devoid of any visual or thematic interest that it won't be at all out of place stuck with a 30% off sticker next to the Stephanie Meyers and the annual Lincoln biopic on

 So he's dating a forty-year-old woman?

Well, that's just goddamn great.  Great job, internet, indeed.

I like how judiciously it's used.  It doesn't dominate the song, it's just this aggressive exclamation point used perfectly for emphasis.

I've traveled to your dimension to tell you, on my world, The Simpsons experiences an exponential increase in quality every season.  Our common refrain is "Boy, the Simpsons just gets better every year."
   Also our hotdogs are soft breadsticks served in a sausage that's been sliced down the middle.
   Aloha still means

I'd think it would be Thomas and O'Brien collude to fart in tandem, then blame it on Bates.
   Then Bates would be sent to prison for passing gas upon a lord.

A disgrace to the fart orm.

Why would anyone tell them to stop?

I'm a pasty-ass white guy married to a woman and we have a child produced in the god-sanctified method.
   By almost every quantifiable cultural metric, we would qualify as conservative.  Having a conventional family is not shorthand for "fearful ignoramus."
   And besides, don't those numbnuts understand that we want

 No one should ever need a law to tell them they're being an asshole.

Well… Boystown does have those rad Art Deco rainbow phallus towers.  So that's something…?
   But seriously.  I'm amazed it happened as quickly as it did here.  Only six months after the failed constitutional amendment and it feels pretty boss.

Sorry to disappoint.  I felt like drawing a steak.

Oh, and also; my fine state of Minnesota passed marriage equality yesterday.  Which is awesome enough in it's own right, but made even sweeter by the truly ridiculous responses from the people opposing the measure.
   I try and make the occasional stab at post-partisan understanding, but every argument I've heard in

Did it happen?  Did you have

I like a Savage Love with lots of quick, staccato questions and answers.  It feels like springtime.

¿Donde esta el hombre muerto?

Eastern Promises really opened the door to Russian mob tattoos.  The Hobbit had 'em, for goodness sake.  Not that I'm complaining.  It's just an interesting trend to see with such ubiquity.

Speculation on how they're going to fan-service his chain belt here:

I've missed George Michael, but I've missed his dazzling selection of three-tone canvas ribbon belts even more.

I'm so very happy another Cuarón movie is coming out.  I don't want him to churn out Woody Allen- levels of output.  …But maybe more than his current Daniel Day-Lewis levels of output.