Spacemonkey Mafia

Well, the script calls for the female lead to become a surrogate mother to a gentle, but misunderstood space-negro and Cuarón knew there was only one person for the part.

Having an extended suspension and sissy training session with Rubber Easter Bunny.

Santa Claus wearing sunglasses!  That's crazy!

I'm glad Bowie is able to keep his song-writing fresh, even if his video concepts may have stalled out in the late nineties.

*Holds up hand, sprays blood from palm everywhere.*

My advice?  Fill the whole movie with half-elves.  You'll cut your makeup budget by 50% over having all elves.

That will be the majority of the audience.

Holy hell, lookit that dude's pipes.  It's not as though he couldn't have done it himself.

I'm not saying she shouldn't work to help him.  I'm saying that the biggest problem with mental illness is often that the very nature of the disease prevents the sufferer from accepting the diagnosis.
   And understanding that vulnerability, that mental illness makes a person their own worst advocate, places an onus on

Fellas need to realize that you can clean the house, make dinner and still play video games and watch porn.  It takes a bit of time management, but nothing requiring an excel sheet.  Unless you're a spreadsheet fetishist.  In which case, have a few open.
   But seriously, I'm glad things are working out with you and

 It certainly seems so.  But that still begs the question of how much one partner should endure when the other is incapable or unwilling to address their illness.

Are you certain you're not just attracted to pantsuits and frosted bangs and are conflating the two?

Normally I'd dismiss this as some sort of ironic meme-style awareness shtick.  But given most men and women still have the clitoris awareness equivalence to a single blurry Sasquatch photo, I think it may be merited.

In total, it took 10,967 years to animate his entire life, frame-by-frame.

"A franchise reboot can't be without a lead all the time…"

With the first Black Flag to wave the white flag.

Outside Over There by Maurice Sendak.  It was strange and raw and uncomfortable and gorgeous then and it still is today.  And now I get to read it to my daughter.

Yeah, with notable recent exception, PBS kids' show hosts seem as close as you could get to someone's real world life coming even close to matching their on-screen personas.
   …Well, except 3-2-1 Contact's Bloodhound Gang.  You know how they got that name? 'Cuz they always had their heads down, noses busy snorting up s

I'm reading SHOCKED, Patricia Volk's aesthetic deconstruction-as-memoir about the contrasting, but equally realized philosophies on womanhood of her two major female influences; her mother Audrey and the avant-garde personality, Elsa Schiaparelli.
   It's very even in tone, insightful and lovingly written.

Reading the first letter makes me cringe in sympathetic remembrance of my own shitty twenties.
   My experiences weren't identical to this kid, but there is certainly a consistent theme of stupidity, oblivious selfishness, emotional and sexual immaturity masquerading as studied aloofness and residual adolescent