Spacemonkey Mafia

I wish as many hippies went into making fantasy comics as made underground comics.

That's fantastic!  I got nothing smart-ass to say.  That's just really great.

Well, good for him.  No reason to taint just one medium of expression with his unique artistic sensibilities.

I took my daughter to Wreck-It-Ralph last summer when she was just shy of three.  Needless to say, she didn't understand a single reference, but she sure did enjoy the bright colors.
   I, on the other hand, recognized all the references and the bright colors.

That would be a fear of the Great Unwashed, wouldn't it?

"It's a…"  *rolls*  "…pleasure to meet you!"

I'm in the beginning stages of running my second D&D campaign.  That shit's work.  Though it did give me the opportunity to spend too much time on a lovingly detailed map.
   What's your campaign about?

Yeah, I don't know how metal it is to arrive at the emergency room so an RA with a greased pair of forceps can extract a buttplug from your lower GI.
   However, I do know that extracting it yourself by slicing open your abdomen with the black blade of Kath'arkek is very metal.

Each individual bead having a giant mop of curly red hair doesn't help.

I hope this is made out of medical-grade silicone.  Because despite what your friends may say, it is not "hardcore" to have phthalates leak out of your anti-Pope dildo.

I'm glad Jeremy Parish is working, but his ending up at IGN is Cezanne getting work doing the face paint booth at a carnival.

Tasha, my daughter is now three and a half.  This will likely be my first summer where we see a lot of movies in the theater with her.
   Your observations on and insight in navigating the world of these technicolor explosions will be sorely missed.

Aryan even trying?

"I saw the Sign" is sufficient enough a crime to be tried in the Hague.  So… in for a penny, in for a pound.

Yikes.  The movie still at top is what fibromyalgia looks like.

@Dikachu:disqus   I've been eating aqueducts, and my nutritionist says it's been doing wonders.

He does get around.  He's been upgrooted.

She'll hold you up at eyebrow point because Mugging=loving.

Yeah, that's kind of the thing.  One sentence provided by a complete stranger makes any response a series of assumptions.
   If it's less a fetish than an affinity, or a mild fetish -than any similar shiny, close-fitting material can be substituted.
   If it's a hard-coded, straight-up fetish, then substitution isn't

I can't speak for the nature or intensity of TIA's girlfriend's latex fetish, but it may be like suggesting since cigarettes aren't an option, how about a piece of gum?
   Granted, I may be projecting here, and I'm certainly rooting for the two to find a happy compromise, but it may be a bigger deal than Dan says.