Spacemonkey Mafia

I recall telling my mom about a girl I had a crush on in Kindergarten because she sounded like a boy.
   I have now heard enough brain-melting observations from my own daughter to realize that she probably didn't put a whole lot of weight into it, but I'm still curious what her take-away was.

All just so Dr. Crusher's escape from the collapsing bubble universe could help her realize her growing distance from Wesley is a natural part of his growing up.
   Seems like a lot of work just for a bit of character development.

…Well, except that one

I read today on the A.V. Club that a chicken had died…

I saw their wedding photos!

When's Scrawlhim due back in town?  And will he survive his arrival?

Fucking right on.  The first one wasn't genius, but I'm always glad to have more high-fantasy/sci-fi, Kirby, Silver-age, psychotropic space-opera elf-fights.
   It's a terribly underutilized genre.

@avclub-16db446cafb1ffb1466e71eaf97a4f49:disqus   You'll get that Sega Genesis yet.

No, that's what the prostate wants.  The asshole is just the housemother that must be sneaked past so the two can meet.


"So, how's AA going?"

   Poetry is the mistress nobody cares you have.  Or wants to hear about.

Inversely, I grew up with a lot of brand loyalty to Alpo until I watched The Road Warrior, but I've been eating Dinki-Di brand ever since.
   If it's good enough for desert-dwelling, hot-rodding, anti-Semite mercenaries, it's good enough for me.

That's when you let Amy Sedaris in charge of your life.

That split-second screenshot is Allison Brie's sole shot in the entire movie.

And self-pleasure.  Crafts and onanism!  The two words that describe my youth!

I'm looking forward to giving this album a listen.
   I also must commend them on the most astonishingly ugly album cover I have seen in a great long while.
   It looks like the cover to the kind of late-90's PC adventure game that would birth only disappointment, even for the modest five dollars you found it for in a

Looks like you picked the wrong day to quit being old.

Meanwhile, my project, Sawdust Red: Jew's Harp Proficient  languishes in pre-production purgatory.

With matching pearl earrings.  And pearl ankle-length tunic.