
I think you are correct about Stanton's plan, which makes it very clever indeed.  That means his supposed plot to kill a bunch of people with those electric bombs was really just a ploy, and it really didn't matter whether it succeeded or failed - in fact it was likely better from Stanton's perspective that it failed,

Jesus,  Norwalk is a cynical prick, isn't he (and Wilkins is not far behind)?  And what exactly is a "stubbornly modern camera" (shot in color?), and how is a show about birth, death, and persistence in grinding poverty just "heartwarming fluff"?

Jesus,  Norwalk is a cynical prick, isn't he (and Wilkins is not far behind)?  And what exactly is a "stubbornly modern camera" (shot in color?), and how is a show about birth, death, and persistence in grinding poverty just "heartwarming fluff"?

I'm totally with you on cliched TV conventions.  Whenever a character coughs, it's ALWAYS a sign they have fatal disease and will be dying soon.  A women puking in the morning?  I've yet to ever see a case where she's just hungover or has the flu…

I'm totally with you on cliched TV conventions.  Whenever a character coughs, it's ALWAYS a sign they have fatal disease and will be dying soon.  A women puking in the morning?  I've yet to ever see a case where she's just hungover or has the flu…

And I liked that the team also has its problems with Rosen continuing to ask Nina to use her powers.  Didn't Bill say something along the lines of "It's like asking an alcoholic to only drink in the office"?

And I liked that the team also has its problems with Rosen continuing to ask Nina to use her powers.  Didn't Bill say something along the lines of "It's like asking an alcoholic to only drink in the office"?

I thought this was one of the better episodes, and was a bit surprised by this grade.  It seems like Todd is saying that the episode both tried to do too much…and didn't do enough.  Not sure how he can claim "not enough conflict" in the first 2 acts, given that Skyler was constantly sniping at Rosen, the founder of

I thought this was one of the better episodes, and was a bit surprised by this grade.  It seems like Todd is saying that the episode both tried to do too much…and didn't do enough.  Not sure how he can claim "not enough conflict" in the first 2 acts, given that Skyler was constantly sniping at Rosen, the founder of

Whether Rosen is a peacemaker or an appeaser is entirely a matter of perspective I suppose. It does seem like he's between a rock and hard place now, as I think it's clear that his release from the loony bin is conditional on his ongoing participation, but that didn't appear to be the case in the beginning (and though

Whether Rosen is a peacemaker or an appeaser is entirely a matter of perspective I suppose. It does seem like he's between a rock and hard place now, as I think it's clear that his release from the loony bin is conditional on his ongoing participation, but that didn't appear to be the case in the beginning (and though



It's true that the Alphas sent to Building 7 have committed crimes (and technically Gary did assault a federal agent), and that they pose a quandary in regards to enforcement and detention, but did they receive any kind of trial or defense?  Do they ever come up for parole?

It's true that the Alphas sent to Building 7 have committed crimes (and technically Gary did assault a federal agent), and that they pose a quandary in regards to enforcement and detention, but did they receive any kind of trial or defense?  Do they ever come up for parole?

Well, whether he actually supported Binghamton or Building 7 seems fairly irrelevant given that the primary function of his team seems to be finding and sending Alphas there.  Again, would you accept the defense in other circumstances?

Well, whether he actually supported Binghamton or Building 7 seems fairly irrelevant given that the primary function of his team seems to be finding and sending Alphas there.  Again, would you accept the defense in other circumstances?

Think I finally stopped watching in disgust about halfway through season 2 (which says alot, given that I've been known to sit through some seriously off-the rails post-shark-jumping crap once I'm vested in a series…)

Think I finally stopped watching in disgust about halfway through season 2 (which says alot, given that I've been known to sit through some seriously off-the rails post-shark-jumping crap once I'm vested in a series…)

Also, I'm bothered by the fact that several of Rosen's team get a full pardon on serious crimes like bankrobbery and murder (sure nice to have that special 'thin blue line'-type guvment immunity), while less "useful" Alphas - or those who aren't Rosen's special pets - get electronic lobotomies for much slighter