
I don't understand what you're trying to say…so recalibrate so I feel LESS compassion for a 'harmless cretin'?  Also, I came away with the impression that Derek was not really a cretin (or even 'developmentally disabled', to be PC), but rather just 'socially challenged'.

I normally avoid such vitriol, but PDN has it coming (all he seems to do is hit pieces, and appears to not even like the medium of television).

Yeah God forbid I express an opinion that differs from the general consensus

Phillip fucking-prick Dyess-Nugent - the Simon Cowell of the AV club (and I don't mean that in a good way); the button-man hack they bring in when the AVC lords decide a show is not worthy of their vaunted attention.  Every piece I've ever read from this smarmy lowlife has filled me with loathing (I really need to

True…but most certainly do not look like these chicks.

I agree with you on the plausibilty of the Charlotte's seduction.  She's had some frightening shocks from across the border lately and I think she's thinking that having Mexican cop on her side couldn't hurt.  And the history we just learned about her suggests she's not above the strategic use of her, ahem, "assets". 

Can't agree with you on either point.  I like the Justified theme song myself (and I'm not the only one), but having said that I much prefer the current trend of skipping intros altogether and just running the credits over the opening scenes.  I've only got so much time for TV watching and really don't want to waste

Conservatives, on the other hand, love themselves…they just hate (and fear) everybody else.

Shoplifting and drug paraphenalia (she had a pot pipe on her when she got nabbed).  Pretty dumb, I know (her tendency for bad decisions is a big part of why she's my EX-wfe).

If anything the cruelty of the real-life penal system and its employees is considerably downplayed (at least at the beginning, though things ramp up a bit later on).  My ex-wife was in county lock-up for several months (which to be fair, is a LOT worse than the penitentiary).  During her intake she was understandably

Even from Alana?  Eh probably not.  I'd just fall in love with her but she'd tell me I'm too unstable…then I'd, you know, cough up an ear and be framed as a serial killer by my closest friend.  So yeah, good advice.

I think she's know all of it, but she's not exactly "participatory".  She's either studying Hannibal or mentoring (perhaps a bit of both).

And stay the fuck away from my ears!

I think she does know what he does.  Some comes across to me as a kind of psychiatric version of Mengele.   Hannibal is a case study, perhaps. Or maybe a protégé?

He can't leave the dungeon because (gasp)…he's already dead!

Not to mentioned the original (far as I know) eye-gouging scene from Blade Runner…

I gotta say that I am fed-up with the whole humanoid alien bit. I realize there's matters of practicality (being limited to humanoid actors and all), but in this era of CGI I wish a show would finally take a leap and showcase show truly alien aliens (intelligent slime, flying octopi, rolling furrballs, etc., etc.).

Yeah, both of the plots seemed vaguely familiar and entirely predictable.  I fear this show is going the way of the bland, tried-and-true, rehash of dramatic/sci -fi/action scripts.  Its a relatively "safe" course of action, given the past success of such strategies (I'm looking at you Stargate SG-boring).

Yes, greatness is often lost on the ignorant masses…but mediocrity lasts forever (or at least 10 seasons, typically).

Well there's no accounting for taste, as they say.  I love The Middle, and I hate almost everything on the broadcast networks - especially sitcoms.  I suppose it has a lot to do with the level of identification with the characters.  As a small town middle-aged, lower-middle-class, overwhelmed parent I find a lot to