
Must Not See TV :-D

I've likewise never encountered a 'career day' (as either a child or a parent). I suspect this has largely been discontinued in public schools because of the very issue so often pointed out in TV shows - that it leads to competition between the parents and embarrassment for those who are unemployed or have demeaning

You're seriously complaining about the acting chops of a 5 year old?  How were you at 5?  I realize Quvenzhané Wallis has set a really high bar, but that kid is a freak of nature…

I gave him a pretty harsh dressing-down a few weeks ago.  Wonder if that had anything to do with it…

In one of those weird coincidences, an Australian show I've been watching (House Husbands) also recently addressed the tooth fairy issue.  They too mentioned the going rate of $5 (so apparently its an international standard, though I'm not sure how the Aussie dollar compares to ours).  They had a funny bit with the

What's been confirmed is that you, vickisamonster, are a fuckwad and a dickhead.  Seriously, dude, about every comment you write - on any review - makes me want to give you a fat lip (and not by accident).  You're a troll, and contribute nothing to these boards.  'Anger management' is not just a (horrible) TV show,

Well it was established last episode that Rollo and Siggy had a fling thing, so he's obvious going more with his heart than his head.

"But…I don't have any anger inside me."  Sue Heck you are a beautiful person.

I think Tonin's going to try to use her as a hostage to force Raylan into killing Drew. Picker was scouting for the nab. Raylan will have a scheme, and probably have to go begging to Boyd (probably to get access to Augustine).  Didn't see any preview, so I'm just guessing here.

OK then, if we’re going to do this, NonsensicalLyric, lets
do it…

NonsensicalLyric, I comprehend you just fine (especially the holier-than-thou condescension). YOU seem to be missing MY point entirely (though I won't insult you by impugning you're faculties..alas if only such etiquette were more common), which is not even a refutation of your original post, but merely a comment on

Just to clarify, I am by no means defending or justifying rape. What I'm pointing out here is that there seems to be zero concern that the show might alienate the audience by depicting the protagonists slaughter, rob, and enslave innocents, but lots of concern that it would do so by accurately depicting rape.

"You don't see people defending murderers and blaming the victims of murder for being just too temptingly murderable."  Except, of course, if those murderers happen to be agents of the US government, and the victims happen to be Muslim…

As I noted on another comment, there's no need for you to feel 'dirty' about being bothered by minimization of the rape scene…unless you feel equally dirty about historical inaccuracies in the shows depiction of murder (which, if anything, is being lauded by viewers and critics).  Why the double-standard for rape vs.

This whole debate is rather funny to me.  Murder is still a far greater crime than rape, and yet I see no significant objections or concerns being raised over the Vikings slaughtering unarmed and unresisting men.  I'm sure that its entirely true that writers have to be mindful of our cultural climate and keep explicit

I did think it was obvious for the same reasons y'all have cited - way too early for them to be caught yet, plus that fact that it happened right after the Soviets figured out there was a mole.

People with supernatural abilities who, you know, feed on human beings like they were cattle…

Wouldn't it be ironic if vervain turned out to be a carcinogen.

There's been a rash of fatal armored car robberies in your city lately. so here's a crazy idea - maybe stop sending your trucks down empty streets late at night without an escort?  Also, I do believe armored cars tend to have bulletproof windows (otherwise, what's the point of being armored?).  We're supposed to

Define 'progress'.