
Also, I'm bothered by the fact that several of Rosen's team get a full pardon on serious crimes like bankrobbery and murder (sure nice to have that special 'thin blue line'-type guvment immunity), while less "useful" Alphas - or those who aren't Rosen's special pets - get electronic lobotomies for much slighter

Glad to see I'm not the only one who has a problem with Rosen (which is not to say I don't like the complexity of this character).  His approach to 'helping' Alphas seems to be either having them sent to 'Alpha gitmo' or placing them under his control to forward his own agenda (which largely seems to be sending Alphas

Glad to see I'm not the only one who has a problem with Rosen (which is not to say I don't like the complexity of this character).  His approach to 'helping' Alphas seems to be either having them sent to 'Alpha gitmo' or placing them under his control to forward his own agenda (which largely seems to be sending Alphas

I don't think the idea is to 'create' Alphas (from what I understand, its supposed to be a genetic mutation, right?), but rather to cause dormant Alpha abilities to manifest…

I don't think the idea is to 'create' Alphas (from what I understand, its supposed to be a genetic mutation, right?), but rather to cause dormant Alpha abilities to manifest…

I'm going to go ahead a replace "Dollhouse" with "Sarah Connor Chronicles" there (or Brimstone, Terriers, Rubicon, Andy Richter Controls the Universe, etc. etc. etc.).  Sorry, but as big a Whedon fan as I am, that show was effing abysmal.  Aside from the "Alpha" thread (hey!), the writing method appeared to be having

I'm going to go ahead a replace "Dollhouse" with "Sarah Connor Chronicles" there (or Brimstone, Terriers, Rubicon, Andy Richter Controls the Universe, etc. etc. etc.).  Sorry, but as big a Whedon fan as I am, that show was effing abysmal.  Aside from the "Alpha" thread (hey!), the writing method appeared to be having

Yeah, and who of us watching didn't jump when that minute flipped.

Yeah, and who of us watching didn't jump when that minute flipped.

My thoughts exactly.  Also, I think the scene with Parrish euthanizing his granddaughter was not meant to show his capacity for mercy so much as his ongoing God complex (and one has to wonder how many of the other 31 grandchildren he's buried got a special visit from Grandpa Reaper…)

My thoughts exactly.  Also, I think the scene with Parrish euthanizing his granddaughter was not meant to show his capacity for mercy so much as his ongoing God complex (and one has to wonder how many of the other 31 grandchildren he's buried got a special visit from Grandpa Reaper…)

OK, it was NOT his car.  Watch it again (if you're able).  As soon as he sees her approaching through the window he begins showing a reaction like "oh god, here we go".  When she begins bitching about her job he obviously demonstrates annoyance, and the subtext is that this one of probably several aspects of her

OK, it was NOT his car.  Watch it again (if you're able).  As soon as he sees her approaching through the window he begins showing a reaction like "oh god, here we go".  When she begins bitching about her job he obviously demonstrates annoyance, and the subtext is that this one of probably several aspects of her

They aren't trolls who can't even articulate the specifics of their unwarranted criticism?

They aren't trolls who can't even articulate the specifics of their unwarranted criticism?

Don't expect any kind of realism in regards to technology or science from this show - that's a rabbit hole from which you might never return.  There's far worse afronts than trains, I can tell you - one of the nits that always most bugged me (about this and just about any other scfi show) was the issue of gravity. 

Don't expect any kind of realism in regards to technology or science from this show - that's a rabbit hole from which you might never return.  There's far worse afronts than trains, I can tell you - one of the nits that always most bugged me (about this and just about any other scfi show) was the issue of gravity. 

I think we are perhaps reading too much into this anyway.  Whedon was simply trying to take the formula of the traditional Western and apply that to the space opera - more so even than Star Trek or other 'space as the frontier' works.  The best of the old Westerns often used  the Civil War as a dramatic device to give

I think we are perhaps reading too much into this anyway.  Whedon was simply trying to take the formula of the traditional Western and apply that to the space opera - more so even than Star Trek or other 'space as the frontier' works.  The best of the old Westerns often used  the Civil War as a dramatic device to give

I'm from the West, so have no skin in that game really.  There is quite a few parallels between the Revolutionary War and Civil War in any case (wanting to be controlled locally instead from afar, a poorer and more rural environment fighting a richer and more 'developed' one, etc., etc.).  I guess in my mind the