
I'm from the West, so have no skin in that game really.  There is quite a few parallels between the Revolutionary War and Civil War in any case (wanting to be controlled locally instead from afar, a poorer and more rural environment fighting a richer and more 'developed' one, etc., etc.).  I guess in my mind the

Yes, in regards to 'laser guns', as a main selling point in convincing people to watch the show, I would always say "its a space opera with no lasers, no aliens, and no starship battles (not counting the movie)" just to highlight how different it was from most everything that had come before.  I always loved the fact

Yes, in regards to 'laser guns', as a main selling point in convincing people to watch the show, I would always say "its a space opera with no lasers, no aliens, and no starship battles (not counting the movie)" just to highlight how different it was from most everything that had come before.  I always loved the fact

Though I've heard Whedon state somewhere (DVD commentary?) that he came up with the idea for Firefly while reading a book about the Civil War (and there are some obvious parallels in the series), I think the Firefly universe is more analogous to the American Revolutionary war. The "Core Worlds" are the equivalent of

Though I've heard Whedon state somewhere (DVD commentary?) that he came up with the idea for Firefly while reading a book about the Civil War (and there are some obvious parallels in the series), I think the Firefly universe is more analogous to the American Revolutionary war. The "Core Worlds" are the equivalent of

OK, I was going let it lie, but this stuff about 'incestuous undertones' between George and Tessa just keeps popping up (leaving aside the far more deliberate scene between Ryan and Sheila).  Please explain to me exactly where this is coming from.

People are fat because they choose to eat crap and sit on their ass all day.  That takes a 4-hour documentary to explain?  It sounds like what the 4 hours is really used for is providing extensive and elaborate excuses for why that's everybody else's fault but your own…

I'm kinda hoping for the ol' hot bucket o' rat, but alas only the peasants tend to get that kind of grisly end (unless you happen to drunkenly threaten the unborn child of a barbarian warlord…but there are always exceptions for ridiculously stupid…).

Yeah, I will credit them for getting in a couple Disneyland digs - "the world's most  expensive chorro" and the 45 min wait time for Indiana Jones (which I rode a few years ago shortly after it opened and had a reaction similar to Phil's - rollcoasters are great fun; a simulation of riding a jeep with no suspension

Actually I think the line was "Crust is risen"

Yeah I think it was time for Klaus to go.  Dropping him in the Atlantic, though…that's cold-blooded (not that he didn't have it coming). Any wagers Rebekah will intercept the Salvatores (or Kohl)? Also I think Alaric might be russlin' up a good old fashion torch and pitchfork mob…and now that I think about it those

Gah!  Funny show, but "self-completion" has be the most nerdy and awkward euphemism for  masturbation I've heard to date.  Also, potentially inaccurate because, like…what if you don't actually finish (especially if Jess is the subject…sorry but Zooey "the bipedal raccoon with bangs" Deschanel does nothing for