I know everyone is going through a lot…
…but I think it’s time for me to start a puzzle.
I know everyone is going through a lot…
…but I think it’s time for me to start a puzzle.
That post is really, really, really long.
"This closet, seemingly built to patronize to infants and the senile, is still a step up from 2007's dreadful 'Credenza'."
Actually, a shot of Walter testing the meth, and having it come out a fraction of a percentage higher than he ever cooked… that would have been pretty great.
For me, it's "Stay out of my territory." Up until then, "I'm doing it for my family" is a misguided but understandable excuse. From that moment on, everything is purely Walt's ego.
I'll just leave this here: http://ourvaluedcustomers.b…
"Ace of fours. The best hand. Unbeatable, I'd imagine."
Technically speaking, neither one of them would do a very good job with the part right now…
"When everything is out of the ordinary, it can be too much sometimes, you know?"
The golf scene was incredible. There's this really interesting disconnect between the Daniel we see in prison and the one we see on the outside. He has a sense of who he is in prison, in relation to his limited surroundings, but is completely overwhelmed by the outside world. That's really the only scene in the whole…
My favorite part of that whole scene was how quickly Flynn claimed Walt was the attacker. You're right, it was a struggle and it wasn't clear who was threatening who. But he just lied and made it crystal clear on the spot. Taking after his Dad, I think.
I love the direction in that scene too. It's so clear that Skyler has a choice there, between the phone and the knife. That's what makes it so much cooler when she goes for it.
I really like Breaking Bad, but The Wire gets at some fundamental truths underlying the dysfunction of organizations in our society. Breaking Bad is an id-driven fantasy about giving in to our worst impulses. We'd like to believe that the evil in the world comes from the choices of bad people (like Walter), but in…
@avclub-d7f43e1fb2d4977c86163d9b0cb07814:disqus Goodfellas is the only exception I can think of. Although, in some sense, that's a king of "American Beauty" style-hell.
Notably, that was pointed out by Hank watching the video.
Stay out of his territory.
Alternatively (but in the same vein), Vanilla Ice: http://youtu.be/Uco5Ed-5y2U…
Do we really need to pick a "best" or "favorite"?