
John has somehow become one of my favorite TV characters. He started this show as the most inflexible overbearing guy, but he's slowly adjusted nearly everything about himself to appease everyone around him. I actually wouldn't be surprised if he seeks out Renzo to get a better understanding of where Katherine is

She didn't quit her job to focus on her family. She quit because she made a huge mistake and took off before she could get called on the carpet for it. She cannot handle criticism of any kind — she either literally runs away or she cries until she gets the other person to comfort her rather than yell at her.

Gentlemen, if you sleep with a woman and she disappears for months and then returns with child, you should not need a third party to point out that a paternity test might be in order. I don't see how they could ever reconcile Jack's naivete with Emily's badassness.

Gentlemen, if you sleep with a woman and she disappears for months and then returns with child, you should not need a third party to point out that a paternity test might be in order. I don't see how they could ever reconcile Jack's naivete with Emily's badassness.

I think she actually said "boss-some" which for once puts me on Ashley's side. No one should say that ever.

I think she actually said "boss-some" which for once puts me on Ashley's side. No one should say that ever.

So white-haired man in all this time has not revealed Emily Thorne's true identity? I wonder who he is ultimately working for…

So white-haired man in all this time has not revealed Emily Thorne's true identity? I wonder who he is ultimately working for…

So much for the show sending Ashley to Mandyville.

So much for the show sending Ashley to Mandyville.

Everyone standing up to John would be more satisfying if they hadn't radically dialed down his dickishness during the break. These last two episodes have actually shown him to be reasonable, accepting, and even-tempered. The John of the first half would have still had Toby dragging a baseball bat behind him all these

I would have loved the sole task more if they had to make shoes for each other. What an awesome souvenir — these are the leather shoes we made in Panama.

I don't know if a new actor would help. Could any actor make the character even remotely interesting?

Have we seen any differences in the universe other than the characters' Peterless lives? Any movies with alternate stars? Alternate methods of transit? Anything to suggest that the universe itself is different?

Ashley is on my last nerve, too. I can understand being jealous of your wealthy friend with the fabulous life, but the outright resentment is too much. "I want your life" — really, which part? The part where I have money only because I have no family?

It's pretty gross to strip Buffy of her identity to make it easier for you to identify with her.

Was Sophie's puking a strategy to not win that immunity challenge?

If they would just change the logo, I would be less annoyed when I'm watching the show. You can't have "TIME" be the middle bar of the "E" and then put the "UPON" in the "C" — I can't read it as anything but ONGE.

I was wondering what would have happened if they'd used their express pass behind someone who U-Turned them. Would the pass allow them to skip the other side of the detour or is it limited to the one they used it for?

Ernie has quite the low self-esteem, doesn't he? Every time he speaks, it's to say another variation of how Cindy is better at everything than he could ever be.