
I was at a food and wine event a few weeks ago that featured macaroons from one of the contestants (or from the restaurant where one of the contestants works), but they were gone by the time I was ready for sweet food. It took many quarter-filled glasses of wine to get over that.

Now we know: Adam Sandler's target audience is people who have been in isolation for 20 days. Or people who are grateful to not have to listen to Coach and Brandon for a few minutes.

Most designers can only dream of designing shoes for Payless.

That owl has been the highlight of this season.

Does Emily realize that Charlotte is likely her sister? Because dating your sister's brother, while it makes them unrelated, is still icky.

It's available On Demand this season (at least with Time Warner). Unfortunately, they post the whole hour and don't allow fast-forwarding, but that's a small price to pay for a good show.

It has to be significant that the Senator didn't get a big red X over his face, so either Emily's not finished with him yet, or it's the show's way of telling us how much of the credit goes to Victoria.

Huge props to the editors. After hearing Brandon talk about the evilness of Mikayla's near-nudity, we go right to his pal Coach getting even more naked than she is. Nicely done.

I'm addicted to this show because it commits every TV cliche, but it does it in such weird nonsensical ways that I'm spellbound. "I want my boyfriend to propose — I will get him a milkshake and wash his hair to make that happen… My baby was stillborn — I will try to trick my claustrophobic husband into impregnating me

Key Decisions music
My favorite part of this episode (and maybe the whole series) is the song from Key Decisions. It plays when Michael falls for Marta, and strains of it pop up in later episodes when family members feel emotion. You may recognize it as the "Sunshine on my fingers" song:

Eating challenge
Detour was obviously rigged. You can't eat schnitzel without beer!

Sadly, it was many seasons after Flo that they initiated this rule. Can anyone remember a single roadblock performed by Christie (of Colin and Christie)?

Count me in as another Cincinnatian psyched to visit Meltworks (but probably not if you moved into Northside where there already is a Melt).



Best moment of the night was the prank outside of the Town Hall. I like Mallory a lot more after seeing her take a joke so well.

I can't believe the teams willingly drank it when Phil offered them the Amazing Race Commemorative Lipton Tea to drink. I imagine Luke looked at all that free Nestea and had to force himself not to punch Phil in the face.

I kept trying to watch Angel and could never get through an entire episode. But when I read the scripts, the writing was solid, the characters were compelling, and the stories were engaging. The translation from script to screen was where it lost me. I don't know if it's the direction, the style, the music, or just my

Season 14 is over-represented but
I have fond memories of each of those people rolling down the hill after a wheel of cheese.

Is Fauxlivia acting about the mystery of what happened to Broyles, or does she genuinely not know? It seems that even if no one told her that he had helped Ourlivia escape our world, she might have put the timing of her return together with his disappearance and gotten suspicious. For that matter, did she even