If only Sean Hannity could speak in a British accent, I would revoke my lifetime democratic membership!
If only Sean Hannity could speak in a British accent, I would revoke my lifetime democratic membership!
I have read the entire Ellroy LA Confidential series. Great Writer!
Well said. this country needs more ethical people like yourself!
Good review Scott! I am with you, it is going to be very hard to wrap everything up in an hour episode. My only prediction,which I would almost bet money on, is that the Capt. dies. He has pretty much lost his whole family (Except for the son who won't talk to him) and he has been set up for Martyrdom.
I don't know who I love more. Diamond Joe or the real Biden. Only Diamond Joe could make an "emergency rubber" out of Saran Wrap at 30,000 feet as he is joining the Mile High Club.
I dont watch ABC for anything other then sports, so Ill I will miss are some good Sunday NBA matchups. Also Kimmel. But it is beyond frustrating when this show is cancelled and there is so much literal shitty shows on TV.
Very Funny.
Great episode. I still find myself sad and angry that they are canceling this fine show. I signed the petition, and told friends to sign it. I have decided that once the final episode ends, I will not watching ANYTHING on ABC for a month. Meaningless, sure, but, its something I want to do.
Why did I have to be born as one of Tom Crusie's kids? I get to spend my childhood writing chapters of Dianetics on a whiteboard.
Homeschooling isn't so great when your "home" is hell, and your first period teacher is Jerry Sandusky.
I laugh out loud at least once an episode. To use a really old cliche, these are guys it would be fun to have a beer with.
Hey edked. Nice to see you can self reflect about "assholes yammering on and on," faux tough guy.
Hey edked.
What's it like being a grown man who is a tiny troll? I am not a liar, and you are a trolling Canadian coward.When you have tried teaching to gangsters in East LA, you might have a modicum of my respect, hoser.
I agree that ferguson is at the back of the pack, but his gay robot is actually pretty funny. I also think Andy Richter is funnier then Conan. Just my opinion.
One thing that has bothered me about Conan is when he was fired from NBC, he sort of let people make a huge deal out of it, a sort of pity party, during the…
Conan O' Brien is still the unfunnniest man in show business. With his weird, stupid dance gyrations, and his poorly written monologue, he is unwatchable for me.He doesn't understand that cute and quirky, does not equal funny.
Great job Mr. McGee. I hope they have you review many more shows. You are very funny.
I agree that personal attacks on a reviewer are out of bounds,
That being said, where can I purchase a certificate of not being "donkey brained?"
I could use it at an interview I have with Google next week.
I agree that personal attacks on a reviewer are out of bounds,
That being said, where can I purchase a certificate of not being "donkey brained?"
I could use it at an interview I have with Google next week.
By far the funniest skit was the Fox and Friends spot. They are so easy to parody, because they are a parody of decent people in real life. If you have the episode on DVR, use slow mo to read the HILARIOUS corrections at the end of the skit.
By far the funniest skit was the Fox and Friends spot. They are so easy to parody, because they are a parody of decent people in real life. If you have the episode on DVR, use slow mo to read the HILARIOUS corrections at the end of the skit.