Robert Buchler

I liked this episode, and thought Scoot did a great job as Country Mac. He was a character you would actually want to hang with. Its too bad they killed him off, instead of the McPoyles.

This film is a masterpiece. Please take the time to see it!

I dig your avatar. I use that name on my yahoo account.

JMO, but not impressed with this list. You could name many characters but one I would insist on is Jimmy Malone (Sean Connery) from the Untouchables:

Did I imagine a scene where Artemis shoves a bottle of Bubbly up Frank's ass? That right there deserves an Emmy just on principal.

I guess no one told Mr. Cameron that Avatar was an overproduced, hyped, Cowboy(Mercenaries/Bad Guys) and Indian(Pandorans/Natives/Good Guys) Movie, with a $200 Million Special Effects budget, and a wooden lead. I wouldn't see one sequel, let alone 3.

Exceptional list. I could debate the merits of the placement of a few films, especially "The Big Lewbowski," but very solid list. Have you ever thought of working for Yahoo?(The worst lists in history!)

Exceptional list. I could debate the merits of the placement of a few films, especially "The Big Lewbowski," but very solid list. Have you ever thought of working for Yahoo?(The worst lists in history!)

West Shark Story, where a dolphin falls in love with a shark.

Great review. I loved your unapologetic enthusiasm. There nothing wrong with these movies. Schindler's List it ain't. Entertaining it is. Now if in Sharknado II: Fins of Fury, they can have a Land Shark, it would be awesome!

JMO, but who cares? It is utterly pathetic that these wealthy people are so self centered and insecure that they feel the need to brag about how much they have.

Mexico has a 5% Clearance (Solved cases) rate on Murders. The book has stories of Juarez barrios where you an hire a sicario for $85. The author claims that many of the killings are done by the army.

Excellent review! I am really looking forward to this series! If you are interested in reading about Juarez, I highly recommend "Murder City," by Charles Bowden. It is one of the best books I have ever read.

So the casting was succesful. This is the main reason I hate reality TV.People of no ethics or values are actually rewarded.Nice job, CBS and Julie Chen, Les Moonves concubine.

I watched most of it, and it doesn't seem as confrontational as the article. The lady in blue is very nervous from the start after Brand tells her her dress is low cut. Brand is a smart guy, who I don't find very funny, but he is sharp enough to host a show and discuss serious issues. These talking heads in the

I look forward to this, but hope that they released or reissue the original Russia ending!

Great job honoring a very talented, prolific writer!

Sandler should be haunted by the ghosts of the many who were far more talented, but never got their chance to show it. The movies this guy makes now are an affront to non lobotomized people worldwide.

I though tonight's show was very good. It seems as if the producers are trying to have a reality show that gets a message across. That everyday their are little moments of heroism in our lives.
The Rock is fantastic, funny, and genuine. I still think the frontrunners are the Cop and the Boston Mom.

I saw The Hero tonight. The Rock is very likable, but I agree that the title is a bit of hyperbole. I think the cop or crying Mom will win it all.The two people to root against are the Omerosa like Fitness trainer and the Wrestler, who gives speeches to the audience trying to manipulate them.