Will Smiff

I saw them in Portland. Brule's stuff was kind of a rehash of the 2010 show, and I didn't find Lussenhop's set very funny, but it was still an awesome show. They did a great job. Plus we got to see 'Toes' before it aired. And I got a sweet poster which I just had framed.

I'm reading these books right now and Tyrion is supposed to have different colored eyes. How hard would it have been to give him one novelty contact lens? Can't wait to finally watch the show when I'm finished with the books, but I hope they don't neglect many more details such as this one.


Secret Admirer is my favorite underappreciated 80's gem next to Real Genius.

Jesus, internet is a verb now? When did that happen?

Look at Blondie. Comic strip, radio show, television show, and films. Still going strong since the 30's. Dagwood makes me laugh more than any other comic strip character.

How does Steve Brule's mom and her bloody ball of hair not warrant mention?

Fuck you, I love The Road to Wellville.

Norm's brother Neil, however, is pretty successful up here in Canada.

Meanwhile, the trailer for Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie, which is also about the landfill full of E.T. carts, was released months and months ago, and gets nary a mention here. Sure, it looks like low-budget shit that only his fans would like, but I assumed it would at least get made fun of comparatively here.

I enjoy Workaholics but I'm with you on the other two. I saw a Bob's Burger's commercial last year that perpetuated the fallacious pronunciation of sherbet as "sherbert", so now I'm against it for life.

Verbing weirds language.

Digital Short when Louis C.K. hosts again: They join him for a "bang-bang". Hopefully Sushi/Pizza this time.

I'll have to find that episode. I wish Paul Brittain had gotten a little more time on SNL. I really liked those "Sex Ed" Vincent sketches.

I was there and it was magnificent. We had no clue it was going to happen. They had already played some clips from the show, so when the Steve Brule music and card came up on the screen and Odenkirk's standard announcement played over the cheese music, we thought there'd be a rerun or maybe some prerecorded material

Shushi sandwiches with hot guacamol.

Killing my eyes, killing my Danny. Kill Danny.

#14. Sandra Bullock as a biologist in Love Potion No. 9 (1992)


I also refuse to be domed again. Does anyone genuinely like this show? I enjoyed the book enough, but the show is just ridiculous. Despite hating it, I watched the entire first season because it was so unbelievably terrible, somehow outdoing itself each week. I really can't bring myself to spend the time on it