Will Smiff

Bond is not a female, and you all know it. You're just pretending to support this because you're progressive. And I love Elba, but he'll be too busy drastically changing another iconic character for a while.

Very professional headline.

Please stop referring to this proud non-reader of books and self-important prick as a genius.

Yes, we need cartoon characters to be gay so gay kids will feel more normal.

Richard manage

"Statue" of limitations? You fucking idiot. It's pathetic that the A.V. Club doesn't bother to edit its stories.

You aren't sure if you're guessing?

'as with Che’s off-camera derailment of Che’s proposed Bruce Jenner jokes here'
Editor needed for major online publication. Or not.

Hey, paid writer. 'Realer' is not a word. Be less stupider and write more better.

Heart as a verb. Go fuck yourself.

I count two "levels".

Was there rap in the movie like there was in the trailer? I'd have snubbed it if there was.

I'm a little surprised that so many people here have an intense dislike for A Prairie Home Companion. I enjoy it, and I think it's neat that such a show not only garners large audiences wherever it travels, but is broadcast nationwide every Saturday. So it's not some hip, edgy fucking podcast. Why is it even

Well, since Facebook decided it had to note that The Onion articles were satirical, I'd assume that people are pretty damned stupid these days.

'Sales are expected TO begin late next year'

'other people'? This is the title of a published article on a major website.

How is this not corrected yet?

usually doesn’t gets a chance

I totally blew it by purchasing from a third party seller the morning they went on sale. Paid $124.00 for ONE ticket because I couldn't figure out how to buy them from the theatre's website and I thought they would go fast. I ended up getting to sit behind my friends though.