Will Smiff

I think light, unimposing background music such as smooth jazz is more acceptable than hip-hop or indie rock would be when riding with others. But I'm usually more interested in conversation with the ride companion. College radio plays some pretty out-there, polarizing stuff. I might listen to that alone, but I

I can end statements with question marks too, and I'm not even a professional?

You have chosen a 3-wood, may I suggest a putter? 3-wood.

My body is ready.

Great job!

What is WoT?

What the fuck does this have to do with why I come to this website?

A trailer I saw at Noah for a movie about a kid who sees heaven says otherwise.

I remember when Bach showed up in the Pantera home video. I thought he was a girl.

I will forever hate Anthony Kiedis for fucking up Mr. Bungle's chance at mainstream success.

I think the mother's right about the private school, but more because the kid is gifted and is clearly not getting what she needs from public school. Between her rant at the park, knowing "hello" in Hungarian, and her violin prowess, I thought there'd be some sort of realization from Louie that maybe she's much

Though not mentioned in the piece, Jem airs weeknights at 3 a.m. on Hub. I'm watching it right now with a cookie-eating smile on my face.

The bar has been lowered if this conversational back-and-forth with the casual
tone is considered "professional" criticism, as one of them referred to it.

In addition to being 50, 50 years old, she also liked to kick, then stretch, and then kick once again.

Maybe he shit himself a little. I mean, he lost his vision, and did also vomit after the meeting, so it's not inconceivable that he was going through something more than stress.

In 1993 I VCR'd Seinfeld every Thursday.

Are there figurative drug dealers?

I wonder why Adam Sandler has never hosted. Farley and Norm were fired too, but they came back to host. I know most of them didn't take it personally because Lorne's hands were tied.
I don't like much of what Adam Sandler does these days, but I liked him when he was on SNL, and think he'd be a great host. It's

Omar left the gun behind. It's right there in the video you posted.