Will Smiff

I'm with you. I like the look, feel, even the smell of a hard copy. I'll never read a book or a comic off of a fucking tablet. Hopefully the booze will eventually overpower my purported Finnish longevity, and I won't live to see the day when getting a printed paper book is as difficult and expensive as getting a

"I'm not a Blockbuster boy. I never wanted to be. I just don't want to look back in 30 or 40 or 50 years and have my
grandkids say, "You did a lot of stupid shit, Granddad. What an idiot
you were, smiling for the cameras and playing the game."

Had to look that one up: Nelly - (derogatory, slang) An effeminate homosexual man.

But you can still buy an old-time Vermont weather stick from the Vermont Country Store catalog, and it might suffice.

Why do you people always make note of your edits?

After Letterman announced his retirement, there was some poll on MSN or something about "Is it time for Letterman to get out of the spotlight? Is it time for him to step aside?" And like 70% voted yes.

I just saw a teaser trailer for "Expendables 3". 'This August… Hold On… For One Last Ride'.
I think they might be wrapping it up. But then Rambo and Rocky kept coming back for more. I'd love another one though. Imagine if Gene Hackman and Sean Connery were somehow compelled to get on board. And the series could

DVR is a verb now?

Just so you know, he lived. Driver is back in the followup Driven, by James Sallis.

Like Fight Club, Drive was a lot better than the book it was adapted from.

I knew what I was getting into because I'd been a fan of his other movies, but it was a special treat seeing this with a Friday night date audience of young couples who saw the poster and thought they knew what they were in for. The elevator stomping was especially traumatic by the looks of a few faces. It was gone

I love his dance at the end of The Game.

But not too hot.
"We put all this wicker up, just for you."


Doesn't even bother to shave.

I don't want to see it, but I'm pleased that they didn't push it even further from the source material by making it full of rap and "izzle-jizza" bullshit and vulgar dry-hump dancing.

'Have an adult day!'

Wouldn't that be great if he did an HBO standup special and it was truly amazing? I'd love to see the Leno that Patton Oswalt claims to have loved and respected so much before the Tonight Show.
My experience with early Leno is limited to a handful of YouTube videos from Late Night, Doritos commercials ("You keep

Maybe Fallon is quietly threatening to leave if they don't give it to him. It doesn't seem like him, but it didn't seem like Conan either. Or maybe Lorne is forcing this. He's got a considerable amount of power at NBC.

This endorsement totally reminds me of the bartender in 'Chasing Amy' when the girl takes the stage: "Yaaaayyyyyyy!!!!"