Will Smiff

"Why not try a Gene pick?"

And let's not forget his role in Secret Admirer, the best 80's "teen comedy" that no one seems to know about.

Because of course it did?

Why is Lucy the "top pick" when you seem to only have disdain for the old, out-of-touch geezers that watch CBS? You're just too fucking cool for school. I will be watching and enjoying (without irony) the I Love Lucy Christmas Special.

It's Brand, ma. And Troy didn't leave them in the middle of nowhere for no reason. Andy had caught him looking down her shirt in the rear-view mirror and she elbowed his lip. I imagine they either got out of his car to look for Brand, or he actually kicked them out over the elbow, which I don't believe happened.

Everyone freaks out in recognition when the stupid little-handed character comes back (at least it wasn't Gilly), but no one makes a peep when Ferrell and Koechner break out the Brasky. I must be old. At least they did it though. It was awesome that they even included the huge Brasky with the impossibly deep voice

career device?


I actually still have Gorgo. I found it taped after Chasing Amy on one of those 6 hour tapes I'd fill in high school.

She didn't used to be that way when the show started. Elaine really changed over the course of the show. I never see that discussed.

I've always preferred Kirk Cameron's character's "Old Kinderhook" lecture when he takes over teaching his history class in 1987's "Like Father, Like Son". But, yea yours is mor akseptid.

Why is the captioning all dumbed down?

The one like that which always sticks with me is "God Grants John Ritter's Wish To Meet Johnny Cash". I think they both died over that weekend.

Usually movies shown in class that did not relate to the curriculum were done so near a vacation or at the end of the year.

Of 'Fortin' With Will'

a happing ending

- A male astronaut on an extra-vehicular activity (EVA) hooks a tether
to a female astronaut and says, "I know you're impressed with how
good-looking I am" and she says nothing. A male astronaut drifting away
from a female astronaut in deep space says to her over the helmet
radios, "Now that we have some

Comedy is a cultural thing, too. As a white guy, I find there are a lot of black comedians I enjoy, but "black comedy" is something I can't relate to as much. For every Bill Cosby, Chris Rock, Dave Chappelle, and Reggie Watts, there are dozens and dozens of comedians on BET Network performing stand-up that doesn't

I didn't know Maya Rudolph was black.

"What is this, ice?"