Will Smiff

Darren! Darren! Darren! Darren! Darren!

I love you Tity Boi, I wish you the best!

Tim and Eric? Maybe I should give 'Community' a try after all.

You are aware that Tim and Eric got Comedy Bang Bang on television, right?

No solid loafs.

Does Josh Modell post most Tim and Eric news because he's such a big fan, or because Sean O'Neal is one of those weirdos that strongly dislikes them and thus refuses to?

I discovered Henry Fool and absolutely loved it. Haven't seen Trust, but the others I saw, including No Such Thing, were disappointing in comparison. I'll steer clear of Fay Grim.

I want to hear Cain Train!

Don't patronize me. Proper is a strong word. I'd say your use was barely appropriate by current loose standards. Will you argue that it wasn't unnecessary? You're obviously someone who knows that it would be improper to exclaim "My head literally exploded!"
But perhaps you're too young to remember a time that it

Literally is the inverse of figuratively.

Sorry. I was not aware that 'twenty-minute, tearful breakdown' was a figure of speech.

You have more editing to do.

Sure, Lovely.
I just gave you your fourth down vote because however common it's become, I really have a problem with negligent use of 'literally'. I mentally downvote about five coworkers during each workday for the same reason.
Not sure what the other three down votes were all about, but I have my suspicions.

You are the worst kind of charlatan and raconteur I can imagine.

So I'm browsing FanFiction.net a while back, looking for fan fiction of non sci-fi/fantasy movies I like. The search wasn't going well, but since I managed to unearth some really great Seinfeld scripts one time, I continued poking around. I was super excited to see there was an entry under Big Lebowski. And you

Remo, yes!! I found a pretty low-quality video of the T.V. pilot with Roddy McDowell as Chiun, and it mostly sucked. I always liked Fred Ward, and would have loved to see him do a couple additional Remo adventures. There are so many Destroyer stories to choose from. I have about 30 old paperbacks in a box

One of my favorite movies. I make timpano at least once a year. It's expensive, and an all-day endeavor (I make the pasta tubes from scratch like they do), but it's well worth the look on my guests' faces when I unveil it. Also a fun group effort, goes great with wine drinking.

I don't know that much about Kayne West.  I haven't heard his music, save for an SNL appearance that I certainly wouldn't regard as "genius".  But the little I do know about him is pretty negative, and I learned of most of it here on AV Club. 
I'd say I know a bit more about Downey and Baldwin, and Kayne is SUCH a

Well, at least Kimmel didn't flat out apologize to him.

He and Gus both seemed like they could have cooking shows.  Gale's would be more of a David Rosengarten style show about teas and coffees, maybe muffins and scones. Gus would cook things like that Chilean fish stew.