Will Smiff

Mission Hill?

I just actually sat through a commercial break and noticed that Survivor is still on.  Must be tons of people that still watch that shit too.

This is The Onion's relation, I'm sure the discussion has come up.

It's all mental.  When you're finally READY, when you have your 'moment of clarity' about yourself, losing weight is the easiest thing in the world.  When you aren't Ready, and you haven't hit your 'rock-bottom', it's incredibly difficult.  It can be defeating when you want instant results and don't see them for a

I lost 80 lbs. using Weight Watchers Online, and it took 9 months.  Weight Watchers warned me every time I updated that I was losing weight too fast.
I lost massive weight two other times in my life (both through tons of exercise and starvation, just like this fucking show) and gained it back.  A slow and steady

I know!  That's what the A.V. Club is.  That's why this is an "Other Show", and why T.V. Club doesn't review NCIS and shit.  Argue away!

I saw one episode of this years ago visiting my parents.  In addition to putting these poor people through the rigorous training and boot camp motivation, there was this "challenge", where the two fat couples were put in front of a giant table filled with every chocolate, deep-fried, junk food, gourmet food, bad food

I love the way that episode ends!

"I wouldn't give my T.V. show to A Monkey On a Rock!"

They'd call that show:  "Late Night Poison".

I'm not sure it will work out, ratings-wise, but it's important that Letterman chooses his successor, not CBS.  If Johnny had secured that kind of deal with NBC, Leno wouldn't have forced his early retirement and taken Dave's rightful throne.

To respond to this and your later post, Letterman is relevant because he refuses to play the kiss-ass game you dislike in Stewart and Fallon, though Leno is clearly the guiltiest of this.
Letterman doesn't hide his contempt for disrespectful shitstains he absolutely has to book for ratings (Bieber, Jaden Smith), and

I'm glad.  I wasn't ready for him to go just yet.

Jesus, chill out and stop reading too much into posts.  Not every statement is absolute.  Not ALL of South America is fucked up.  And I do not think the remake is specifically only for me.
I was responding to the O.P. who said HE will pass.  I'm not assuming EVERYONE will pass, I'm just assuming that the majority of AV

That's why I love Jean-Pierre Jeunet so much.  No one would attempt to remake any of his movies.  Though they've possibly dubbed them.

My question:  Who's not going to pass?  I mean, after an amusing ten minutes, why would you continue to watch a cheap, subtitled version of something you've already seen?  I hardly have time to keep up on the handful of shows that I genuinely enjoy.  And I can't imagine a time before retirement that I'll ever see all

El soy quando agunto! Ella balloona balunga espanyo!
¡Balunga el baguayo con blinko!
¡Alabunto quénto galoodi!  Ellaquanto paganyo balagoonda!

No, I meant Colombia, not just anywhere in South America.  I should have clarified.  And I'm probably focusing too much on all the Pablo Escobar stuff.  The cartel wars and all. 
But it may have been cleaned up since then. Spruced up like Times Square.  It could be just like Albuquerque now.  Which I absolutely

And who is to be feared?  Even Gus feared the cartel before he barely managed to pull-off and survive the mass poisoning.  These guys are already operating in a totally currupt part of the world where human life has little value.  It's not like their version of the DEA (if they even have one) can't be bought.  I know

The way they mention how it "will capture Hispanic audiences like never before", and the fact that the video was "dug up" leads me to believe that it wasn't likely intended to be seen by us.  They're probably looking to sell it to English-speaking Spanish language TV station executives here in the U.S. or something.