Will Smiff

I realized I was free to go whenever I wanted.  So I did, after the fourth episode.

Shit goes bad and doesn't get better.  Clean air is far more precious than food or water.  Jr. is much, much sicker.  Barbie's not such a shitbag.  I'm glad I can remember the book fondly.  This show is far worse than it's getting credit for.  At this point I don't think it can right itself.

I keep watching just to enjoy how bad it is, especially compared to the book, which even at its page count, seems tight in comparison. 

If the minidome and egg were in the very middle of the dome and believed to be powering it, wouldn't moving it move the dome?  At least in the book the thing they find at the center is tied to the dome, and plays a big part in the ending.

But usually publications took pride in the work of their writers.  People rarely have HAD to say such things since the invention of writing because there had frequently been people to catch the mistakes.  Now it's considered totally forgivable for THREE mistakes to appear in an article just because the ease of online

We can only assume that old man contacted the authorities in concern after finding Jesse and his car.  Greedy old fucker.

- Hank means to reassure Skyler than as family, he can protect her better than the legal system can

In the haste to get this review online, it was poorly edited.  I suppose corrections will not be made, because in these texting and tweeting times, even good writers cannot be bothered to correct mistakes.  We all know what she means, to say anything would be nitpicking.
The gradual dumbing down continues.  And for

Another merely mediocre episode.  You're being too nice, Scott.

I think an ex-Bond, THE ex-Bond popping up in a cameo as the Kincaid character would have been a really bad choice.  There were finally some references (a whole three movies in) to the past films, but a wink-wink move on that level would have been in poor taste.  I hope Mendes or anyone else involved thought better

Dumb and Dumber To is coming.  Let's not be hasty.  If he refuses to promote it, fuck him indeed.

I was on a date, so I only 'figuratively' left the movie theater.

NO!  Does no one here smoke weed?  He was really high.  Walter even picks up his acrylic two chamber bong for a closer look. 

I like the one where (spoiler) Todd kills the kid on the dirt bike, they all congratulate each other, and the theme plays.

Pay attention to the fucking movie.  And no spoilers.

Mike Seaver:  "Wait a minute.  Your father's name is Sylvester Stubbone?"

Life.  It's a part of death.  We're lucky to be alive.

The author wanted to tie the actors to other roles so badly (and having nothing else to attribute to Smoove) he made that inaccurate claim.

Mostel died in 1977.