Will Smiff

I too only care about Book of Mormon.  Couldn't afford Broadway, not interested in a less-talented traveling version.  We need a movie.

There's a scene they filmed of Fogler doing stand-up as Kinison and he's really able to get that squeaky voice down pretty well.  I really hoped something would come of it.  Don't know if it's still floating around somewhere, but I'd be surprised if Gad does better.
Fogler won a Tony, Gad did not.

There was even a cake dome on the counter in the diner.  No one noticed?


What the fuck?  Conduct an interview, don't have a conversation.

The review sure doesn't read like a B.  It's almost like you're giving it credit in advance, not willing to dock it until you see how it plays out in the bigger picture.  But at least you acknowledge the faults. 
Junior sure recovered quickly from that bash to the head.
Yep, it's television.  There are now two forced

I'll just go make sure the /b/oys over at 4chan have heard about this.  There's probably nothing to do now that Charles Z's hopes have been dashed by Kiss 108.

No way.  That's great.

That was great, but far too short.  I want to hear more bitching.  Time to look into those comedy albums.

Or maybe it will be good because it's a Christopher Nolan movie.  Have you seen anything he directed that you could say "wasn't good"?  Did you have your doubts until McConaughey signed on?

He's super tame compared to the book. 

You guys didn't approach him gently enough.

So glad he moved on up from that shitty show where he was paired with the bitch who liked everything mainstream and shitty.  Sure, he was on TV, but that show must've had Gene Siskel rolling in his grave.  People will appreciate him here.
I used to write restaurant reviews, and the bad ones were way more fun to write

The Great Train Robbery (1903) ended with a gun firing at the audience, and it was a pretty big deal then.  Not sure it was ever illegal anywhere.

I'd heard that Travolta spent all sorts of time with Serbians in Serbia working to get the accent down.  So he wasn't any good just because it's not his regular type of role, or all that work didn't help?

I just don't like this show.  I'm going to keep watching it, but it kind of feels like a chore.  I really want to like it.  I enjoyed the book, so I followed the development.  I was excited to see Spielberg involved, and I like Dean Norris, it had potential.  Aside from Norris most of the acting is just okay.   I find

Bruschetta is not stuffed.

Emmy is a goddamned verb now?  

And he owns a DVD of American Movie.  Didn't see that coming.