Will Smiff

Don't forget than Sudeikis, Hader and Killam were just barely hanging in there.  They're not as practiced or talented musicians as Armisen is.

If anyone's Q it's Fox.

At least Skyfall brought classic Bond staples (old car, Q, the fucking theme song, a great villain) back.  The first two with him just weren't much fun, Quantum making me dizzy.  It's almost like they wanted to distance Bond from what spoofs it like Austin Powers and also cash in on the brooding killing machine movies

Dalton was Fleming's favorite Bond if that means anything.  Then again, I don't exactly care what Stan Lee thinks of who plays his creations.  But since Fleming based Bond on himself, I guess when he picks who got it right he'd know what he was talking about.

"You were only supposed to blow the pod bay doors off!"

Since hatred for Eric Schaeffer and anything he touches is inherently assumed by the tone of this article, I'm obviously going to be a minority here.  I'm going to stand up anyway and mention that I really liked My Life's in Turnaround when I found it, about 15 years ago while on a quest to watch every independent VHS

Heidecker wrote on Twitter that it was a mistake.  They were supposed to be sitting at the table.  The people that made the movie must actually know more than what this website tells them about all things Heidecker-related.

Hey Herpes, where were you able to find out anything about the profitability of B$M?  I hope you aren't going by Wikipedia, because most people watched it On Demand, which isn't accounted for in box office sales.  Tim and Eric and Will Ferrell and Mark Cuban have said that it did well enough to think about another

Not a trailer.  Doesn't belong here.

He did it to himself, he did.

Yeah, fucking hilarious.  Good thing I wasn't at that screening.  I'd not have tolerated your disturbing of the movie and your trip would have taken a turn for the worse.

Lynch said that isn't nitrous oxide.  It was originally meant to be helium, but it's not official what it is.

Yes, and Nolan stole Inception from an old Scrooge McDuck comic book, too!

It isn't a common reaction for most of us.  But to Larry, who was actually hoping he was adopted and was briefly relieved to not be Jewish, I thought that it made sense.

Why include the Louie stoned scene but not the Curb stoned scene?  Larry was funnier while still kind of believable. 

Did no one notice that the article got it wrong?  They weren't there to buy coke, they were trying to unload fake coke, and he buys it.  Then Jane gets cocky and wants to rob "the goddamn safe in the goddamn master bedroom on the fuckin' floor in the goddamn fuckin' floorsafe, that's all."

I didn't know one could figuratively shout "Oh, FUCK!!!"


Don't forget Freaks and Geeks.