Will Smiff

You guys talking about commenters long after they've stopped posting.  What a tight-knit community!

You edited your comment, yet did not clarify which MSNBC anchor you dislike.  And how can anyone hate Charlie Rose?

Cool story, bro.


"Elaine, you see this t-shirt?  Six years I've had this t-shirt.  It's my best one.  I call him 'Golden Boy'.  'Golden Boy' is always the first shirt I wear out of the laundry.  Here, touch 'Golden Boy'.  But see look at the collar, it's fraying…. 'Golden Boy is slowly dying.  Each wash brings him one step closer. 

Frank's brother is already portrayed by Jon Polito.

Look two pages back.

More than anything I want Brett's Big Kahuna Burger, but not his fate.

Shankpops from Mission Earth series.

RumHam!  "Cool ocean brezzes, gettin' ripshit on ham."

So much better than when Bart was old enough to add his own marshmallow after getting busted stealing Bonestorm.

I want the sandwich Chinaski can't help but steal at the beginning of 'Barfly', and the sandwiches they're eating after the first major battle in 'Saving Private Ryan'.

Mr. Show's 'Mustmayostardayonnaise.'

I make timpano at least twice a year.  An all-day project (especially once I started making the penne from scratch), but a lot of fun, and good for a group activity.  Wish I could post some pics here.

And "Extra BIG ASS FRIES!"

It looked crumbly, like old cornbread.

Gunslinger Burritos


No 'Dead Man on Campus'?  That's the first thing I saw her in.  And it was written by Mike White and starred the Zach Morris guy (just don't want to look up the spelling).  And she ends up banging Jason Segel's character.  Not a big part for her, but may have been worth bringing up.

No Paul's Case?!