Will Smiff

I remember in an interview that Smith said something along the lines of "I can count on three hands the amount of times I've been stoned.  You just don't get anything done."  So since when is he a self-proclaimed stoner?

Private Gibson, incoming!

hilarious and creative comment

Also great in the highway gurney scene, Hawk fishing change from his pocket and chucking it at the toll booth just in time.

The Angry Video Game Nerd Movie trailer is out, and based on the shittiness of the E.T. game.  Looks low budget as Troma, but I'm excited.  Hudson Hawk is such a terrible game though. 

Bunny, ball-ball!

Yes.  That link has absolutely no business there!

Your loss.  The Onion is as good as ever.

That was awesome!

Daft Punk are not brothers.

Didn't anyone get into Daft Punk when Homework came out?  I was in 10th grade when the "Around the World" video first tattooed Michel Gondry's name in my brain.  I bought the CD the next day and have been a fan ever since.  Maybe I'm older than most of these people.

Only there are no Discovery songs in the Daft Punk movie, nor any songs they made.  Assuming you're referring to Electroma, the Daft Punk movie.

I thought pg-13 was created for Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.  And I trusted Roger Ebert.

Why do you have to use the f word in your reviews?  I find it unprofessional.

Tons of people dislike Sandler's comedy, especially those who comment on this site.  But here's a time where everyone's pretty much come together to enjoy a time when Sandler's schtick was funny and fresh, and Farley was alive and at his prime.
I hate his movies, and I can't sit through his albums, but there's

Empire Records sucks balls.

God damn you.  Stop using the word "wonky" in your writings!

They dropped the ball not including that.  It was the only reason I wanted to read the article and then it wasn't there.  Do they ever admit they fucked up?

You're missing all the great barf scenes!

Factotum is just Barfly without the joy and the hope.  Which is why I enjoyed Barfly more than anything I read of Bukowski's.  He's just such bummer.  Depressed, depraved, disgusting.  Barfly had just enough of that.  But I don't want a Chinaski that stands in his parents' living room, leering through the curtains