
I'd like to read about Willa Cather in the Rye.  Or did you mean Catheter in the Rye?

I'd like to read about Willa Cather in the Rye.  Or did you mean Catheter in the Rye?

I can't remember now which was the first Bergman film I ever saw, because it was over 40 years ago, but it was probably The Seventh Seal.  It was my introduction to art film, except for a late-night broadcast of Rashomon dubbed in English on the local NBC affiliate (I'm still trying to figure how that happened), and

I can't remember now which was the first Bergman film I ever saw, because it was over 40 years ago, but it was probably The Seventh Seal.  It was my introduction to art film, except for a late-night broadcast of Rashomon dubbed in English on the local NBC affiliate (I'm still trying to figure how that happened), and

Are you a vampire, Melvin Laird, are you a vampire? Are you caught in the Transylvanian transvestite time-trip, Melvin Laird?

Are you a vampire, Melvin Laird, are you a vampire? Are you caught in the Transylvanian transvestite time-trip, Melvin Laird?

I can see why you feel that way about Lee's films, but I think it's only really true of Secret Sunshine.  I hadn't really thought of it before, but Lee's abuse of his lead actress Jeon Do-yeon is a lot like von Trier's abuse of Emily Watson in Breaking the Waves.  But his other films work for me.

I can see why you feel that way about Lee's films, but I think it's only really true of Secret Sunshine.  I hadn't really thought of it before, but Lee's abuse of his lead actress Jeon Do-yeon is a lot like von Trier's abuse of Emily Watson in Breaking the Waves.  But his other films work for me.

"The narrator is a kid from a community that probably didn't have a lot of atheists … "  That's hard to say.  His father appears to be an atheist, in the same way that a lot of Jews are: minimally and only culturally observant and mostly secular.  There are a lot of people like that in India, especially the

"The narrator is a kid from a community that probably didn't have a lot of atheists … "  That's hard to say.  His father appears to be an atheist, in the same way that a lot of Jews are: minimally and only culturally observant and mostly secular.  There are a lot of people like that in India, especially the

Maybe after all three parts have been released we can hope for a Director's Cut which will be *shorter* by eliminating all the extra baggage?  I'd be interested in seeing that.

Maybe after all three parts have been released we can hope for a Director's Cut which will be *shorter* by eliminating all the extra baggage?  I'd be interested in seeing that.

"become"?  I've only watched the first season, and while it's a well-done soap opera, it's a soap opera from the first episode.

"become"?  I've only watched the first season, and while it's a well-done soap opera, it's a soap opera from the first episode.

Why?  It's not as if Elmo was having sex with teenagers.  (And if he were, they'd be the pervs, not him.)

Why?  It's not as if Elmo was having sex with teenagers.  (And if he were, they'd be the pervs, not him.)

One thing you gotta remember is that the age of consent has been rising over the past century.  In Victorian England, the age of consent for females was 10.  In many US states it was 14 or 15 until recently.  For males — for heterosexual sex, I don't know.  Anybody got the info?

One thing you gotta remember is that the age of consent has been rising over the past century.  In Victorian England, the age of consent for females was 10.  In many US states it was 14 or 15 until recently.  For males — for heterosexual sex, I don't know.  Anybody got the info?

I have a couple of reasons for doubting that 9/11 was an inside job.  Someone above mentioned Bush's reaction when he was told.  If the attacks had been an inside job, it seems to me that instead of running and hiding (which indicated he and his gang were really afraid), he'd have boldly stood up right then and acted

I have a couple of reasons for doubting that 9/11 was an inside job.  Someone above mentioned Bush's reaction when he was told.  If the attacks had been an inside job, it seems to me that instead of running and hiding (which indicated he and his gang were really afraid), he'd have boldly stood up right then and acted